Email at Georgia Southern
Georgia Southern University utilizes Google Apps for Student, Faculty, Staff and Department email. Google Apps is a suite of web-based messaging and collaboration tools that Google hosts on their own servers. Google provides these applications as a “service,” rather than as software to download and install. To access these applications, you simply use a web browser on a computer that is connected to the Internet. On your mobile device, apps for Gmail, Calendar, Docs and other Google services are available from the Georgia Southern, iOS and Android App Stores.
New Students
Student email accounts are created automatically the day after you have registered for classes. Once you have an account, you can access it by logging in to MyGeorgiaSouthern. If it’s your first time logging in to MyGeorgiaSouthern, click the “First-time Users” link for instructions.
New Faculty & Staff
Upon successful completion of the background investigation, faculty and staff email accounts will be created within 3 days. After this period has passed, you can obtain your account information by clicking the First Time User? link located under the Login button at There you will receive your username and initial password which gives you access to MyGeorgiaSouthern. Once logged in to MyGeorgiaSouthern, faculty and staff will have access to services such as Email; faculty may have access to additional services such as WINGS and Folio.
Departmental Accounts
Departmental email accounts are issued on a per request basis. To obtain a departmental email account you will need to submit the Department Email/Resource Account Request Form.
Students and faculty who have trouble logging in to MyGeorgiaSouthern should contact the Service Desk at (912) 478-2287 or Staff should contact their area’s technical support representative.
Last updated: 2/16/2023