Degrees and Programs

The Parker College of Business offers 7 undergraduate majors, 4 master’s degrees, 4 graduate certificates, and a Ph.D. program.  In addition, the college offers 7 minors and an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate. Explore your interests in the following to find out which program is right for you.

Program NameLocationProgram LevelDescriptionCollege Site
PCOB.BBA.52030100.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in AccountingAccounting (BBA)StatesboroBachelor's DegreePCOB124The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in accounting builds a strong foundation of knowledge in general business, auditing, law, tax and other accounting-related functions. You'll join the ranks of America's most trusted information professionals and lead businesses in the 21st Century.None College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52060101.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in EconomicsEconomics (BBA)Statesboro, SavannahBachelor's DegreePCOB124The Economics Bachelor of Business Administration is designed to give you a broad knowledge of the field of economics in order to provide a foundation for professional careers in business and industry or for graduate training in economics.International Business College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52080101.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in FinanceFinance (BBA)StatesboroBachelor's DegreePCOB124Design your own curriculum to suit your personal career plans with the Finance BBA degree program. Explore traditional areas of finance, including investment and financial institutions, as well as specialized study in fields such as real estate, insurance and banking.None College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52120101.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in Information SystemsInformation Systems (BBA)StatesboroBachelor's DegreePCOB124In the Information Systems program, you’ll take courses in accounting, economics, business management and programming. These courses provide you with the background to effectively plan, construct and implement technological solutions that drive organizations forward.None College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52020101.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in ManagementManagement (BBA)StatesboroBachelor's DegreePCOB124Your career as a leader begins with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Management. You can jumpstart your career before entering the workforce with internships that will immerse you in business environments and give you hands-on experience with management practices.Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Hospitality Management
Human Resource Management College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52140101.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in MarketingMarketing (BBA)Statesboro, SavannahBachelor's DegreePCOB124With a BBA in Marketing, you'll explore a comprehensive course of study in the concepts, techniques and tools for developing marketing strategies and marketing programs.Fashion Merchandising
Sales and Sales Management College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.BBA.52020301.XXBachelor of Business Administration Degree in Supply Chain ManagementSupply Chain Management (BBA)Statesboro, SavannahBachelor's DegreePCOB124The BBA in Supply Chain Management degree from the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Department equips students with problem-solving abilities and expertise in supply chain management. Through foundational courses, we foster critical-thinking skills in business students, including an advanced class in operations and supply chain management for all BBA majors. The program connects education to real-world careers. Students can choose to specialize in logistics and intermodal transportation or operations and supply management.Logistics and Intermodal Transportation
Operations and Supply Management College of Business In-Person$2,805.00$10,125.00N/ABusinessN/A
PCOB.MAcc.52030100.XXMaster of Accounting DegreeAccounting (MAcc)Statesboro, OnlineMaster's DegreePCOB30The Master of Accounting program equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary for accounting and financial careers in today’s constantly changing business environment.Campus MAcc
WebMAcc (Online)
Apprenticeship MAcc (Online) College of Business Programs - Business & Graduate Online Tier 5$3,780.00$11,700.00$3,780.00BusinessFall: July 15 | Spring: Nov 15 | Summer: April 15
PCOB.PhD.52020100.XXDoctor of Philosophy Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementLogistics and Supply Chain Management (PhD)StatesboroDoctoral DegreePCOB60The Ph.D. program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is designed to develop scholars who generate and disseminate new knowledge by conducting high-quality research and teach at the university level.None College of Business In-Person$2,556.00$10,440.00N/ABusinessFall: March 1 | Spring: No Admit | Summer: No Admit
PCOB.MBA.52020100.XXMaster of Business Administration DegreeBusiness Administration (MBA)SavannahMaster's DegreePCOB30The MBA program emphasizes the fundamental knowledge and skills underlying modern administration and management, and applies these with emphasis upon the area of managerial and executive decision-making.MBA (Savannah)
Military-2-Business MBA (Ft. Stewart) College of Business Programs - Business$3,780.00$11,700.00N/ABusinessFall: July 15 | Spring: No Admit | Summer: No Admit
PCOB.WebMBA.52020100.XXMaster of Business Administration DegreeBusiness Administration - The Georgia WebMBA (MBA)OnlineMaster's DegreePCOB30The online MBA program offers a 21-month path to an internationally accredited Master of Business Administration degree that complements most undergraduate degrees and enhances the skill set need for a variety of career paths.None College of Business Online Tier 6N/AN/A$6,813.00BusinessFall: July 15 | Spring: Nov 15 | Summer: No Admit
PCOB.MS.45060200.XXMaster of Science Degree in Applied EconomicsApplied Economics (MS)OnlineMaster's DegreePCOB30The online Master of Science in Applied Economics provides you with analytical capabilities in economic development, financial economics and regulatory issues. The program explores market analysis, quantitative analysis, regulatory industry analysis, financial economics and economic development.None College of Business Online Tier 3N/AN/A$3,303.00BusinessFall: July 15 | Spring: Nov 15 | Summer: No Admit
PCOB.MS.52020300.XXMaster of Science Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementLogistics and Supply Chain Management (MS)OnlineMaster's DegreePCOB30None College of Business Online Tier 3N/AN/A$3,303.00BusinessFall: July 15 | Spring: Nov 15 | Summer: March 15
PCOB.CERG.45060200.XXPost-Baccalaureate Certificate In Applied EconomicsApplied Economics - Online (Grad Cert)OnlineAdvanced Certificate (Graduate)PCOB18The online Graduate Certificate in Applied Economics allows you to meet the SACSCOC faculty credentials requirement of 18 graduate hours in economics without completing the 30 hours required for the online M.S. in Applied Economics.None College of Business Online Tier 3N/AN/A$3,303.00BusinessN/A
PCOB.CERG.XXXXXXXX.XXPost-Baccalaureate Certificate in Logistics and TransportationLogistics and Transportation (Grad Cert)OnlineAdvanced Certificate (Graduate)PCOB9The Logistics and Transportation Certificate will help provide a bridge of knowledge, skill, and abilities for students between our established and respected BBA and Ph.D. programs in logistics and supply chain management. None College of Business Online Tier 3N/AN/A$3,303.00N/A
PCOB.CERG.XXXXXXXX.XXPost-Baccalaureate Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain ManagementOperations and Supply Chain Management (Grad Cert)OnlineAdvanced Certificate (Graduate)PCOB9The Operations and Supply Management Certificate will help provide a bridge of knowledge, skill, and abilities for students between our established and respected BBA and Ph.D. programs in logistics and supply chain management. None College of Business Online Tier 3N/AN/A$3,303.00N/A
PCOB.CERG.52020101.XXPost-Baccalaureate Certificate in BusinessBusiness Administration - Graduate CertificateStatesboro, Savannah, Hinesville, OnlineAdvanced Certificate (Graduate)PCOB15The Graduate Certificate in Business teaches students how to use analytical tools and methods to improve the performance and outcomes of business operations and decision making at all levels of the organization, tactical, operational, and strategic. The curriculum consists of five courses selected from our MBA program offerings. College of Business Fully OnlineN/AN/A$2,805.00N/A

Last updated: 9/10/2024