Career Services Center

In the College of Business, we encourage you to start thinking about your career opportunities in your freshman year. It is never too early to begin exploring all of the career resources that Georgia Southern University has to offer students including:

  • Meeting with a Career Development Specialist
  • Campus Career Fairs
  • Résumé Writing Workshops
  • Mock Interviews
  • Networking Nights

To better assist you in preparing for life after graduation, the Office of Career Services recommends the following four-year plan.

Explore– What do I want to do?
Decide– What can I do?
Experience– How do I need to develop myself further?
Implement– How can I secure the next step after graduation?

If you are interested in learning more about the College of Business’s Career Services and the Four-Year Career Plan, please contact our Career Development Specialist, Rachael A. Barrett.

Rachael A. Barrett
Liaison to the College of Business, Interdisciplinary Studies and Veterans
Satellite Office: Room 3336C, College of Business, 912-478-0516
Main Office: 1058 Williams Center, 912-478-7974

Schedule an appointment online.

Go to:
Student Login: Use your MyGeorgiaSouthern username and password
Click “Request an Appointment” in the right column.
Choose Date & Time Slot, & Submit.

Last updated: 12/29/2023