Facility Policies

Locker Usage Policy

We encourage our members to bring only necessary items to our facilities. Leave valuables at home and be especially vigilant in providing for the security of belongings.

  • CRI staff members are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • With the exception of rental lockers, all lockers must be vacated at the close of each day.
  • If locked at closing, CRI reserves the right to the cut lock and remove the contents. All contents will be kept in lost and found at the Equipment Issue desk for one week.
  • Locks are sold at Member Services or the Front Desk for $7.
  • Lockers can be rented for overnight use at Member Services (can the this be linked to the RAC Locker Rental Page).


  • Clothing with zippers, rivets or buttons that could potentially harm the equipment are not permitted.
  • Navel and chest area must be completely covered. Cut off sleeves are permitted. However, slits down the side of the torso lower than the elbow are not.
  • Trash bags, sweat bags, sweat suits or any other material that inhibits the exchange of body heat or promotes water loss will not be permitted.
  • CRI staff member decisions concerning appropriate clothing will be final.

Smoking/Alcohol Policy

Smoking and the consumption of alcohol is not permitted within M.C. Anderson Park.

Food and Drink Policy

Water in a sealable container or sport bottle is the only beverage allowed past the front desk.
Food and drink are only permitted in lobby. Glass containers are prohibited at all times.

Personal Transportation Items

  • No bikes are allowed to be parked/locked on railings, signs, benches or trees.
  • Bike racks are available in front of the RAC, Multiplex, Southern Adventures Center and the Sand Volleyball courts.
  • Bikes cannot be locked overnight and will be tagged. If after 5 nights the bike has not been removed, the lock will be cut and the bike will be stored at the facility until the end of the semester in which the lock was removed.

Fitness Center Policies


For your safety, as well as others, we strongly recommend the following safe practices:

  • Use extreme caution when lifting weights to avoid potential injury to yourself or others.
  • Spotters are strongly recommended while using free weights. CRI Fitness staff can assist.
  • Do not drop dumbbells or weight plates on the floor.
  • Do not leave weight plates or bars on the floor or leaned against the wall or equipment.
  • Spring clips/collars must be used with all Olympic bars in the free weight area.
  • Proper attire should be worn while working out on the fitness floor/equipment:
    • Closed-toe athletic shoes (no work boots/dress shoes/heels/sandals)
    • Athletic shorts, sweats or wind pants
    • Shirt that covers the midriff are required

Etiquette and Guidelines

The following fitness area etiquette and guidelines will promote an enjoyable and safe experience for all users:

  • Clothing with zippers, rivets or buttons that could potentially harm the equipment are not permitted
  • During peak hours please limit your time on the cardiovascular equipment to 30 minutes.
  • Please respect other patrons, staff members, facility and equipment at all times.
  • Only CRI Personal Trainers are allowed to train clients in this facility.
  • Refrain from slamming weight stacks by lifting the weight in a controlled manner.
  • Day lockers are available for your convenience. CRI cannot be held responsible for personal belongings.
  • Water in a sealable container or sport bottle is the only beverage allowed
  • Food and drink are only permitted in lobby. Glass containers are prohibited at all times.
  • All equipment must be returned to its proper location after use.
  • All free weight equipment must be kept in the free weight area and should not travel to different levels of the facility.
  • Chalk is only permitted on the lifting platforms.
  • Please report any damaged or faulty fitness equipment to CRI fitness staff member.
  • At the request of a Fitness staff member, a Facility Supervisor or Facility Manager has authority over all fitness area conduct and use of equipment and may expel any user from the facility for failure to follow instructions.
  • Use battle rope for its intended purpose only.
  • Failure to abide by RAC Staff request may result in privileges being revoked.

Basketball Court Policies

  • Hanging on rim is not permitted.
  • Deliberate abuse of the facility is not permitted.
  • Non-marking, closed toe shoes are allowed on all basketball courts
  • For safety reasons, jewelry is not permitted on courts.  This includes, but is not limited to necklaces, rings, bracelets, wristbands, watches, earrings/studs, and other piercings.
  • Contact the Front Desk or Equipment Issue for assistance with equipment.
  • Volleyball and badminton nets and standards will be set up and taken down by the CRI staff only.
  • Free play basketball and volleyball have court priority, with the exception of events scheduled by CRI.
  • Spectators are not allowed to shoot on the occupied court during a full court game.
  • Failure to abide by RAC Staff request may result in privileges being revoked.

Multi-Purpose Room and Dance Studio Policies

Multi-Purpose room and Dance Studio are scheduled with kinesiology classes, Club Sport practices, student organizations and other rental groups. Patrons may utilize both spaces when not reserved by another group.

  • Outside of Kinesiology classes, Club Sports practices and Group Fitness classes, equipment stored in the both spaces may not be used. 
  • Audio equipment is only available for groups who have a reservation.
  • Only non-marking shoes are allowed on all wood floors.
  • Space dividers/partitions will only be operated by CRI staff members.
  • Activities which could damage the mirrors, windows or ceiling tiles are strictly prohibited.
  • Patrons should not lean or put hands on the mirrors.

Combatives Studio Policies

The combatives room is scheduled with Kinesiology classes and Club Sport practices. Patrons may utilize the combative room when not reserved.

In addition, any activity with the potential to involve contact, individuals should place the highest priority on safety for themselves and others and do so with the proper training and instruction.

For safety and injury prevention CRI Staff requires the use of hand wraps or gloves when using the speed bags and heavy bags. These are available for check out at Member Services.

Use of the mat requires adherence to the following rules:

  • No street shoes.  Must use clean wrestling shoes or no footwear.
  • Shorts and shirts required.
  • Individuals with skin infections, open lesions, or open cuts are not allowed on mat.
  • If there is blood on the mat, activity must stop. Notify a CRI staff member for proper clean-up.

Track Policies

  • Practice common courtesy to other runners and walkers.
  • For safety purposes, please run or walk in the direction the arrow indicates.
  • Be cautious to oncoming traffic when entering or crossing the track.
  • Keep slower activity to the inside lanes of the track.
  • Running or walking side by side is permitted only when the track is not busy.
  • Stay in your own lane to prohibit interfering with another patron’s exercise.
  • Racing is not permitted.
  • Water in a sealable container or sport bottle is the only beverage allowed
  • Food and drink are only permitted in lobby. Glass containers are prohibited at all times.
  • Horseplay or loitering on the track is not permitted.
  • Throwing or dropping items to or from the track is prohibited.

Last updated: 2/26/2019