Member Policies
Frequently Referenced Facility Policies
Attire and Footwear
CRI reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all exercise attire. CRI staff decisions concerning appropriate clothing will be final. Failure to dress properly will result in denial of use of the RAC/ARC and/or participation in CRI programming.
If necessary, a RAC/ARC member or guest may be addressed by a staff member if the member’s clothing is offensive to another user, is inappropriate, or if items pose a danger to self or others.
Appropriate attire is required at all times:
- Closed toe and heeled athletic shoes must be worn at all times within the recreation facility.
- Shoes, shirts, shorts and/or pants must be worn at all times.
- Tops must completely cover the nipples and arm cut-outs must be above the elbow.
- Bottoms must completely cover the buttocks and groin.
- Clothing with offensive language, designs or pictures is not permitted.
- Jeans and zippered and/or metal riveted shorts/pants are prohibited due to the risk of ripping equipment upholstery and the risk of injury to self and others.
- Appropriate support and undergarments are required at all times.
- Jewelry, which may cause equipment damage or poses a risk of injury, should be removed.
Facility Use
- The RAC/ARC is available for use when it is open and only when it is staffed with the appropriate CRI personnel.
- No on under the age of 18 years (except for currently enrolled Georgia Southern students) may use the Facilities unless supervised by a parent or guardian.
- No personal training is allowed in the RAC/ARC except for that which is provided by members of CRI staff.
- Users should place personal items in the lockers and cubicles provided. CRI staff members are prohibited from holding or watching users’ personal items. The University and CRI are not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged at the RAC/ARC.
Safety and Courtesy
- Report any injury or accident to CRI staff immediately.
- Report any malfunctioning or damaged equipment to a CRI staff member.
- If you are not sure how to use a piece of equipment properly, ask a member of the CRI staff for assistance before using it.
- If you feel pain, discomfort, or dizziness, stop exercising and notify CRI staff.
- Clean or wipe down equipment after you have used it, using the supplies provided.
- Users who engage in behavior that is disruptive, that violates university policies, or that interferes with other people’s use of the facility will be asked to leave.
- Do not place your hands, feet, any part of your body, or any object against the mirrors.
- Photography is not permitted within CRI facilities without the permission from both Campus Recreation and Intramurals and the individual being photographed.
Guest Passes
RAC/ARC Members may invite guests to use the RAC/ARC, and may host up to two guests during a single day. The guest pass covers one guest and expires at the close of the day it was paid. The RAC/ARC Member must accompany his or her guest at all times.
- Guests must show a photo ID upon entering the RAC/ARC
- Guests are subject to the same rules that govern RAC/ARC Members’ use of the facility
The cost of each guest pass will be charged at a rate of $7.00 per day. Payment will be made at the front desk upon entry and only accepted after a valid form of ID is shown.
Guest Minor Policy – RAC (Statesboro) Only
Guests under 16 years of age are only allowed in the RAC on weekends during the fall and spring semesters (after 4:00pm on Fridays and until 6:00pm on Sundays) but can visit during all open hours in the summer semester. They must be always accompanied by an adult RAC member.
Computer Use Policy
Individuals who use CRI Facility computer clusters assume the responsibility of seeing that these resources are used in the appropriate manner. Misuse of these computers is considered a violation of University policy and regulations, and may also be a violation of law if data of other computer users is disturbed or privacy rights of individuals are violated. See the Georgia Southern University Code of Student Conduct: Section IV for a detailed list of prohibited activities.
Participants utilizing CRI facility and equipment assume the liability of and agree to compensate CRI for any damage other than normal wear and tear while it is being used. See the Georgia Southern University Code of Conduct: Section II for the complete policy regarding prohibited acts and liability.
Non-compliance by a participant to any University or CRI policy is subject to ejection. When an individual is ejected from the facility for any reason, the individual is suspended from any CRI facility and program usage until they have met with the Director or his/her designee.
Prohibited Items
- Alcoholic beverages
- Chewing gum and candy
- Tobacco products of any kind
- Food and Beverages
· Food is NOT allowed at any time in any activity area
(exception: food may be allowed for special events if prior approval/arrangements are granted by the Facility Coordinator). Food should be kept in the Lobby or on tile floors.
· Water, in a sealable container or sports bottle is the only beverage allowed in all activity areas.
· Glass containers are prohibited at all times.
· All containers are subject to substance check at any time by CRI staff.
Indecent Behavior Policy
Inappropriate displays of public affection are prohibited in the RAC/ARC as well as around M.C. Anderson Park. CRI employees ultimately have the discretion regarding acceptable behavior. Failure to comply with this CRI Policy will result in immediate daily ejection. Blatant disregard for policy will result in an indefinite suspension.
Towel Policy
Workout towels are available for participants of the RAC/ARC at no charge. We ask each member to take one towel per visit and return the towel to the designated towel return areas prior to leaving the facility. Towels are not allowed for use in the pool area of the Aquatics Center but are permitted in the sauna.
Last updated: 1/27/2020