Air Rifle Fundamentals Camp

Session Dates

Saturday – Sunday
June 21 & 22, 2025


Rising 9th – 12th graders

Registration Deadline

June 5, 2025

Registration Fee


Check-In Time


Camp Conclusion


Air Rifle Fundamentals Camp is designed for experienced to intermediate sporter or precision athletes.

Campers will work through all 3 positions to make improvement in their shooting performance. Each shooter will:

  • Spend time in their performance journal
  • Learn mental management strategies
  • Understand the importance of nutrition and gain performance experience

The camp will have two competitions with the first used to create a baseline and the final to measure enhancement.

Campers will need to bring their own air rifle in a case, air tank adapter and pellets for the training.


Spots are filled on a first come – first served basis and limited to 16 participants.

Registration Fees

The registration fee includes instruction, camp t-shirt, breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Age Group

Those rising in to 9th – 12th grades.

Camp Waiver, Insurance & Medical Information

A few weeks leading up to camp, an email will be sent to you containing the Registration Packet for you to complete. It will include a waiver, medical information, pick-up authorization and camp policies and procedures.

Refund Policy

Parents must provide written electronic notice to the Assistant Director at least 14 days in advance of the camp or academy start date to receive a refund. Refunds will not be considered after the 14 days.

Camp Instructors

Coach Soren Butler – Georgia Southern Rifle Head Coach

Additional Information


The camp will be held at the Georgia Southern University’s Shooting Sports Education Center. The facility features 2-8 lane, 25 meter firearms ranges, 2 classrooms and support spaces.

Shooting Sports Education Center (SSEC)
3271 Old Register Road
Statesboro, GA 30458


Campers will be provided lunch. Snacks will be provided throughout the camp day.


Campers will need to bring all necessary shooting equipment to include air rifle, case, air tank adapter, shooting attire and anything else needed for instruction and competition.


Please see the daily schedule for the drop off and pick up times.


All information with registered campers will be provided through e-mail to the address provided in the registration materials. Please ensure this address is accurate and that you check it often between registration and the start of camp.


Shooters should prepare accordingly as the range is air-conditioned and maintains a temperature of 72⁰. Comfortable casual wear and hoodie is appropriate for camp. Appropriate shooting attire to include shooting pants, jacket, gloves, boots and base layers/shooting sweater. Each should bring their own shooting mat, roll and sling. Hearing protection is required for all shooters.


Please contact Cassy Pelton, Assistant Director – Shooting Sports, with any questions you may have.
Phone: (912) 478-7732


Day 1
8amRegistration Open – Check-In
9amMeet & Greet
10:15amBaseline 3×20 Match
1pmClassroom work – Journals/Evaluation
3:15pmRange time – Practical application of Journals/Evaluation
Day 2
9:30amKneeling Clinic & Practice
2:30pmStanding Clinic & Practice
3:30pmProne Clinic & Practice

Last updated: 2/26/2025