Firearms Range Rules
Help us keep this range safe. Please abide by the rules and report to the Range Officer anyone you see not obeying the rules. After all, it’s your safety we are concerned about!
General Rules
Even if you’re absolutely certain a firearm is unloaded, still follow these rules for safe firearm handling. - NEVER POINT A FIREARM AT ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY.
Accept the mindset to always keep your firearm pointed in a direction that would safely stop the bullet should it discharge. When on the firing line, your firearm should stay pointed downrange, at the bullet trap backstop at the end of the range. If you’re not on the firing line, your firearm should stay cased. If you will be cleaning or handling your unloaded firearm at home, find a safe direction ahead of time — bullets penetrate floors, ceiling, windows, and walls. Masonry, a full bookcase, a full freezer, downward (if you’re on the ground floor), or even a five gallon bucket of sand may be good options. - ALWAYS BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET AND WHAT IS BEYOND IT.
You are responsible for the entire path of every bullet you fire from your firearm. If you hit your intended target, the bullet may still continue through. You are responsible for only aiming in directions where you can be assured the bullet will be safely stopped by the bullet trap. - KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOU ARE ON TARGET AND READY TO FIRE.
When you’re holding a firearm but not shooting, you’ll hear us ask you to “index” your trigger finger. This means to keep your trigger finger straight, and to raise it up to rest flat alongside the body of your firearm. Whenever you are not on target and ready to fire, your trigger finger should always be outside the trigger guard and resting straight and flat alongside the body of your firearm.
All firearms brought into the range must be carried UNLOADED and in a case or range bag from the parking lot to the facility. All firearms and ammunition are subject to inspection by the range officer for workability and safety on the firing line. Firearms will remain in the bag or case until on the firing line unless directed otherwise by the Range Safety Officer. Targets may be brought into the range. Targets viewed by the RSO as inappropriate will not be permitted. Numerous targets are available for a reasonable price at the SSEC. Packing tape or scotch tape is not permitted on the targets.
- The RSO on duty is in direct charge of the range and all participants at all times.
- The RSO will immediately correct any person handling a firearm in an unsafe or careless manner. They will also inform the Range Master on duty. The Range Master on duty can reprimand, suspend, or revoke SSEC membership status should such conduct warrant it. The Range Master on duty has the final word on safety violations and suspensions or revocations resulting from unsafe acts on the range.
- The CRSO has the final word on safety violations and suspensions or revocations resulting from unsafe acts on the range.
Firing Line Rules
- Make sure your hearing and eye protection is on before entering the range. Take position at the lane assigned to you. DO NOT change lanes.
- Only one firearm at a time at each shooting station. No other firearm handling behind the firing line.
- The only place where loaded firearms are allowed is on the firing line. Loading and unloading occurs only at the firing line.
- Shooters must load and unload their own firearms. If a mechanical malfunction occurs which can be cleared by the shooter, place the firearm on the table at your shooting station pointed down range and ask the RSO for assistance. DO NOT REMOVE JAMMED OR MALFUNCTIONING FIREARMS FROM THE LANE.
- No rapid firing is allowed. Two-second rule is in effect (2 seconds between rounds) rifle calibers only.
- Targets MUST be set at the full 25 meter distance when shooting centerfire rifle calibers. This does not include .22LR.
- Targets must be a minimum of 5 meters from the shooting stall.
- Full length targets (24” x 36”) must be placed at the top of the target holder as specified. Targets must be placed so they are centered in the center of the target trap.
- Pistol shooting will be done from the low or high ready positions. (No drawing from the hip or holster.)
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are on target and have made the conscious decision to shoot.
- When leaving the firing line temporarily, lay the firearm with the muzzle down range and the action open.
- Upon completion of shooting session, unload firearm(s) and store them with the action open.
- When a “Cease Fire” is announced, you must:
- Stop shooting.
- Unload and make your firearm clear.
- Place firearm on the counter facing downrange.
- Step back from lane.
- Immediately report any unsafe acts to the RSO. It is everybody’s responsibility to act as a safety officer.
- Wash your hands at the touchless handwashing station immediately upon exiting the range or after turning in your rental equipment.
- Appropriate dress is required at all times. Closed toed shoes are required.
- The SSEC is a family-oriented facility and we have the right to refuse service to anyone. Persons smelling of alcohol on their breath or who appears impaired will be required to leave the facility.
- All persons using the SSEC shall have a good attitude and sound mind.
- All persons utilizing the range are required to complete and sign the membership application and liability waiver, watch the Range Safety Video, and pass the written and practical exams.
- Individuals age 10 – 17 must be accompanied (within arms reach) by an adult who is a “Firearms Member”. In addition, the individual must have written permission from a parent or guardian to use a handgun.
- Only one shooter and coach permitted per firing lane; only one un-cased firearm permitted at the firing lane.
- Persons not shooting or coaching are not permitted on the range. They may observe from the observation area in concourse.
- No one is permitted forward of the firing line. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- Any equipment or other personal items in/on a shooting lane left unattended are at the owner’s risk. The SSEC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Please ask the RSO about anything you are not sure of. We are happy to help in any way we can.
Permissible Equipment
- Handguns .45 caliber and smaller are allowed.
- Rifles .30 caliber and smaller are allowed.
- Silencers and short barreled firearms are allowed and proper paperwork (ATF Tax Stamp) is the responsibility of the patron to have in their possession while utilizing the range.
- Shotguns are allowed with slugs only.
- All air firearms and BB firearms are allowed.
- Muzzleloaders are not permitted.
- For firearms not mentioned here, check with the Range Officer prior to use on the range.
- Standard commercial and reloaded ammunition is permitted.
- Any type ammunition designed for penetrating metal is not permitted.
- Only ammunition purchased at the SSEC may be used in rental firearms.
- Tracer, incendiary, armor piercing, gas or explosive ammunition are not permitted.
Physical & Environmental Safety
Safety glasses and hearing protection are MANDATORY when entering the range. The SSEC provides eye and hearing protection at no cost.
All range brass is collected and placed into the spent brass container on the range. Spent brass deposited into the container is property of the SSEC. Shooters may only collect their brass within the confines of their shooting stall.
Any person seen firing at lights, baffles, carriers or any other range property or equipment will have their membership suspended, and will be reported to the proper authorities for appropriate action. Only targets authorized by the Range Safety Officer will be permitted. All shooters will be held accountable and will be financially responsible for any damages including replacement and installation charges.
Last updated: 11/14/2024