Period Equity Movement

What is the Period Equity Movement (PEM)? 

The Period Equity Movement is a multi-campus initiative led by students, staff, and faculty to promote period equity. We aim to ensure that individuals who menstruate have the products they need to live their lives to the fullest. 

PEM consists of: The Green Period Pantry, The Disposable Period Pantry, and Period Products On the Go sites across all three Georgia Southern campuses, and includes comprehensive medically accurate and culturally relevant reproductive health peer certificate and engagement events.

Disposable Period Pantry

The Disposable Period Pantry allows student to access a month’s supply of disposable products such as tampons and pads.

Green Period Pantry

The Green Period Pantries provide students with access to reusable products such as cups, period underwear, and reusable pads.

Period Products On the Go

Disposable period products are available for students to take as needed in restrooms on all three campuses.



Why is it Important?

According to the 2021 State of the Period

  • 84% of students who menstruate in the U.S. have missed class time or know someone who has missed class time because they did not have access to period products.
  • 69% of menstruators feel embarrassed when have to bring period products to the restroom.
  • 1 in 5 menstruators from ages 13-19 have struggled to afford period products or were not able to purchase them at all.
  • 1 in 10 college students experience period poverty. 
  • Period poverty has been defined by the American Medical Women’s Association as inadequate access to menstrual hygiene tools and education. 

Period Equity Movement Awards, Publications, and more!

Georgia Southern Receives More National Recognition for Student Support Programs

Period Equity Movement: Addressing Learning Loss, Equity, Safety, and Environment
Contributing Authors: Gabi Wiggill; Gemma Skuraton, DrPH, MPH, CHES, CDE; Megan Mercer, MPH; Katie Mercer, DrPH, MPH

Gabi Wiggill featured in a Georgia STOMP Success Story!

Last updated: 7/19/2024