Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Degree

Format: Online or in person on the Statesboro, Armstrong Campus in Savannah or Liberty Campus in Hinesville
Credit Hours: 124

The BIS program provides an even more efficient path to graduation for students. If you are on a previous catalog, consult with your assigned academic advisor for more details.

More information on IDS 3730 – IDS Internship and IDS 3930 – IDS Research

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Prepare Yourself for a Variety of Career Opportunities

The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) program at Georgia Southern University delivers a core curriculum with the freedom to choose from a variety of concentrations areas from across the University. This multi-disciplinary degree is tailored to students interested in completing their degree by creating a degree program best suited for their career or educational goals. 

Offered on campus or fully online, the BIS will give you a well-rounded education that will prepare you for a variety of new careers, job advancement opportunities, or graduate programs. The program was created with transfer students, full-time professionals, and caregivers in mind.

BE SURE you know about the 62+ program and other programs for students over the age of 25!

BIS Degree Program Highlights

Offered in person or 100% online.

Tailor your curriculum to your unique interests and goals.

Faculty spanning multiple different University departments.

Mentors provide ongoing assistance throughout your education.

Ready to Apply?


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Our Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree

Georgia Southern Catalog – Interdisciplinary Studies 2024-2025

BIS program beginning Fall 2024

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies – changes to allow more choice and a faster path to graduation beginning Fall 2024 – consult with your assigned academic advisor for more information. CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS.
AreaDescriptionCredit Hours
ICORE 20007
World History
Institutional Elective – Global Focus
MMath and Quantitive Skills3
PPolitical Science and US History6
AArts, Humanities and Ethics6
CCommunicating in Writing6
SSocial Science3
additional GSU requirementsFYE 12202
KINS 15252
BIS coursesIDS 21111
IDS 41111
Courses appropriate to the majorCOMM 1100 or COMM 11103
GSU 21323
INFO 25303
lower division courses appropriate to the major9
Experiential Learning / Research requirementIDS 3730 or IDS 39303
Upper division electives14
Lower division electives20
Interdisciplinary Concentration21
Total Hours124

Consult with your Academic Advisors for more details.

Major Requirements
For the major, students may choose one of the following options:

  1. One concentration of 21 hours of upper division courses
  2. One concentration of 21 hours of upper division courses plus and OPTIONAL minor, if desired.

Of the total number of hours for the major, 39 must be at the upper-division level. [in the concentration plus the upper division electives and required courses.] The declared concentrations and minor cannot be identical (i.e. one cannot declare a Sociology minor AND a Sociology concentration.)

Concentration options

21 hours of upper division courses are required for a concentration. These concentrations are available as of the 2024-2025 catalog.

Concentration NameOnline Availability
Africana Studies
Asian Studies
BusinessAvailable online
Comparative Literature
Culture and Society
Environmental Public Health
Environmental Studies
Gender and Healthcare
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Life SciencesAvailable online
HumanitiesAvailable online
Individual EmphasisAvailable online
Instructional Technology and DesignAvailable online
International Studies
Irish StudiesAvailable online
Latin AmericanAvailable online
Non-profit managementAvailable online
Physical and Mathematical Studies
Public AdminAvailable online
Public PolicyAvailable online
Religious Studies
Social and Behavioral StudiesAvailable online
Sports and Recreation Management
Teaching Content AreaAvailable online
Teaching Content Area-ABMAvailable online
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Information for Students interested in BIS to MAT [Master of Arts in Teaching] options

Click here

Changing your Major to Interdisciplinary Studies changes to allow more choice and a faster path to graduation coming in Fall 24 – consult with your assigned academic advisor for more information.

  • When changing to a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies major you must decide if you want to study on campus or as a fully online student. There are significant differences in the concentrations and minors in the fully online option versus the on campus option.
  • Carefully review the relevant section above to understand how the BIS and Online BIS are structured.
  • Choose one 21 hour concentration
  • NOTE: Changing your major can require that you change your campus if you are moving from a face to face to a fully online campus. The change of campus is done through the Change of Major process.

Information for Transfer Students

Transfer students should be reminded that they can complete a stackable associates degree on their way to a bachelors or masters that can help them on their way in their current job or with their degree or education goals.

TALONS helps to give an idea or estimate about what might transfer from a previous institution. The listing or exclusion of courses from this program does not reflect on acceptance of the courses to Georgia Southern University. IDS 2111 and 4111 are typically offered Fall, Spring and Summer Full term.

  • When changing to a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies major you must decide if you want to study on campus or as a fully online student. There are significant differences in the concentrations and minors in the fully online option versus the on campus option.
  • Carefully review the relevant section above to understand how the BIS and Online BIS are structured.
  • Choose one 21 hour concentration
  • NOTE: Changing your major can require that you change your campus if you are moving from a face to face to a fully online campus. The change of campus is done through the Change of Major process.


Do my previous classes count?

If they meet the requirements for a Concentration or Minor, yes. The catalog will help you.
You may want to talk to a BIS or OLBIS advisor.

What is an individual emphasis and if I want one how do I get it?

A group of courses totaling 21 hours from a specific area of study that are 3000 level or higher. An IE can be declared on a change of major but has to be fully approved after it
is declared. For further information See the catalog pages listed above for more information
and consult with a BIS or Online BIS advisor.

What if a Concentration or Minor that I have selected requires that I take prerequisites first?

The prerequisite courses will need to be taken and will fit into Area F or electives if there is room.

*You MUST be logged in to your MyGeorgiaSouthern portal page to view this information.

What Can You Do With an Interdisciplinary Degree?

Our graduates have started or advanced in careers including:

  • Political staff member
  • Educator
  • Administrative aide
  • Human resource manager
  • Credit and collections personnel
  • Marketing research analyst
  • Urban or regional planner
  • Management
  • Social service administrator
  • Buyer
  • Insurance agent
  • Realtor
  • Public administrator
  • Salesperson
  • Account representative
  • News reporter
  • Bank administration officer
  • Magazine editor
  • Customer relations manager
  • Television producer
  • Consultant
  • Public relations specialist
  • Law clerk
  • Entrepreneur
  • Hotel manager

Program Outcomes

Graduates from the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program will be able to:

Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, for a variety of purposes.

Critically analyze ideas from multiple sources in order to draw well-supported solutions.

Apply knowledge and skills across interdisciplinary boundaries.

Evaluate and integrate new information into existing frameworks of knowledge.

Have Questions? Contact Us!

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (in person or online)

CAH Advisement Center
Interdisciplinary Arts Building
P.O. Box 8004
Statesboro, GA 30460
phone: 912-478-7740
fax: 912-478-2315

Armstrong Advisement Center
Student Success Center
11935 Abercorn St,
Savannah, GA 31419

Liberty Advisement Center
175 W Memorial Dr.
Hinesville, GA 31313

Interdisciplinary Arts Building
P.O. Box 8100
Statesboro, GA 30460
phone: 912-478-2316

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Related Programs

Federal law requires colleges and universities to make certain disclosures to prospective students of these programs.  These disclosures include information on the University’s authority to operate outside of Georgia, complaint processes, adverse actions, and refunds.

For required disclosures in general with regard to online programs offered by the University, visit the Office of Legal Affairs website.

Last updated: 12/2/2024