Minor in Africana Studies

Why Minor in Africana Studies?

The phrase, “Black Lives Matter’ was born out of a frustration of the repeated devaluing of Black people. The opportunity to re-write this narrative is open to all people, not just those who claim a biological connection to Africa. Anyone choosing to minor in Africana Studies will gain skills that can be used to reshape our world. 

Africana studies is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field that exposes students to multiple aspects of the African Diaspora experience.  Closely tied to social justice, students gain a holistic perspective of the impact of historical, political, and cultural attacks on Blacks throughout the Diaspora.  An Africana minor provides students an opportunity to develop a deeper and accurate understanding of world history and become better informed as global citizens.

Contemporary society requires citizens to be able to work effectively with people from diverse cultures and to recognize and speak out against inequity and inequality.  A minor in Africana Studies increases one’s understanding of the world from an Africa-Informed perspective, thus positioning students to critique various forms of inequality and develop a global understanding of the world that perspective.

Like the Sankofa Bird symbolizes, the Center for Africana Studies presents students the opportunity to “go back and fetch it.”  Fetch What? The original knowledge that positions people for success.

A minor in Africana Studies can pave the path for you to work in:

  • Management and Industry: Cultural Resources Manager, Human Resources
  • Communication and Media: Journalism, Media Relations Specialists
  • Education: High School Teacher, Administration, Professor, Student Affairs, University Administration
  • Non-Profit Advocacy: Program Administrator, Community Activist
  • Government/Politics: Foreign Service Specialists, Political Analyst, Public Administration, Urban Planning

Start your career path today!

A minor in Africana Studies offers a myriad of transferable skills:

  • Critical thinking: ability to develop higher level analyzing skills
  • Research:  ability to apply theory to actual problems and engage in identifying plausible solutions
  • Communication: ability to listen and comprehend, articulate and explain, analyze and discuss – both in written and spoken formats
  • African-centric perspective of the United States and the world – ability to effectively challenge a European world-view perspective

Tell your advisor that you want to declare Africana Studies as your minor today!

Have Questions? Contact Us:

Maxine Bryant, Ph.D. 

Statesboro Campus 

IAB Room 2006  

Phone: 912-478-1248

Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Center

Armstrong Campus 

Armstrong Center Room 102

Phone: 912-344-2522

Last updated: 9/19/2023