Wildlife Center Staff

Steve Hein

Steve Hein, Executive Director


Steve brings his passion for falconry, artistic talent, business skills and a tremendous sense of fun to his work at the Center for Wildlife Education. Steve earned a degree in Business Administration from Georgia Southern  University. He holds Federal and State Licenses as a Master Falconer, and practices this ancient art with tremendous enthusiasm. As a wildlife artist, Steve received the Georgia Governor’s “Artist of Excellence” award: won the 1987 and 1988 Georgia Wildlife Management Area Stamps; was chosen in 1986, 1987, and 1990 Georgia Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year; and worked on a national level with Ducks Unlimited, Quail Unlimited, and the National Wild Turkey Federation. Corporate patrons include Nations Bank and Coca-Cola.  Serving as the Center’s director since its inception in 1991, Steve is past president of the Statesboro Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, has completed Leadership Bulloch, Leadership Southeast Georgia, and Leadership Georgia, and is a past chair of Leadership Southeast Georgia.  He also served two terms as a council member of the Bulloch County Board of Education. Steve and his wife Kathy have four adult children, Adam (Jessica), Meredith (Crawford), Colleen and Mallory (Jonathan) and four grandchildren, Hattie, Seth, Elizabeth and Andrew.


Scott Courdin, Wildlife Curator


As Curator, Scott manages the collection of the Center for Wildlife Education’s animals, which include raptors, reptiles, mammals, waterfowl, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Scott also directs the flighted demonstrations and maintains the centers exhibits. Scott is an accomplished animal trainer, wildlife rehabilitator, former falconer and environmental educator. Scott serves in the Georgia National Guard as a First Sergeant with Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 121st Infantry (L). Scott has deployed to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom and to Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom. Scott holds an A.A. in General Science from Georgia Military College, and a B.A. in Anthropology from Georgia Southern University. While attending Georgia Southern, Scott worked alongside the Director, Steve Hein, caring for and training animals prior to the center’s opening. Scott has over 32 years of experience working with animals and has been employed as the Curator at the Wildlife Center since its establishment in 1997.

Wayne Paulk, Education Program Coordinator


​Wayne joined the Wildlife Center on August 1, 2017 as the Education Program Coordinator. He is responsible for developing, scheduling and implementing all educational programs offered at the Center. He graduated from Valdosta State University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. After graduating, Wayne participated in bird banding workshops, which only strengthened his interest for all types of birds, especially birds of prey. Wayne has also been involved in multiple summer camps, including directing the Center’s 2017 and 2018 Junior Naturalist Summer Camps. Wayne brings both experience and enthusiasm when it comes to educating all age groups about wildlife and the importance of establishing a strong bond between human and nature.

Carson Woods, Education Assistant


Carson joined the Wildlife Center in January 2023 as the Education Assistant. Carson previously worked at the Center as a student worker from August 2019 when she began school at Georgia Southern University, until the completion of her Bachelor of Science in Biology in December of 2022. She is responsible for assisting the Education Program Coordinator with managing the educational programming, social media, volunteers and student staff for the Center. Carson has previous experience working with horses and volunteering at a local mini zoo in her hometown of Macon, Georgia. Carson has always had a passion for the outdoors and is excited to share that passion with the community.

Luke Daniel, Wildlife Specialist


Luke joined the Wildlife Center in September of 2024 as the Wildlife Specialist. He previously worked as an Animal Assistant at the Museum of Arts and Sciences, volunteered at Southeastern Reptile Rescue, and worked as a Reptile Keeper at the Ark Encounter.


Christel Monk, Administrative Coordinator


Christel joined the Wildlife Center staff on August 1, 2016 as the Administrative Coordinator. Christel was not new to the University campus. Before coming to the Center she worked in the Georgia Southern Institutional Effectiveness Office and Georgia Southern University Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Kaplan University. Christel served a total of 15 years in the Military where she worked in the Personnel and Finance Office.

Pam Harley

Pam Harley, Part-time Retiree

Pam retired from Georgia Southern University in April 2019 after 30 years of service. She was employed as the Assistant Director of the Wildlife Center for the last 14 years of her university career. Pam returned to the Wildlife Center in 2020 as a part-time retiree to assist with the Center’s financials and budgets.

Last updated: 12/6/2024