Freedom Merchandise

Introducing Freedom’s Own Merchandise!

selection of freedom related merchandise options including t-shirts, a hoodie, and a hat

Benefiting Freedom’s care and Georgia Southern’s Wildlife Center where he’s housed, the university has launched a line of Freedom merchandise that is both inspirational and stylish. More items are in development, but look for:

  • Hats
  • T-shirts
  • Posters
  • Postcards
  • And more!

Specially marked items are available from the University Bookstore on campus and Southern Exchange in Statesboro.

All sales benefit Freedom, the male Southern Bald Eagle and Georgia Southern University’s live mascot.

About Freedom

Unable to survive on his own because of an injury to his beak as a newborn, he came to Georgia Southern in 2004. He lives at the university’s Wildlife Center in Statesboro alongside other raptors and many different animals and birds. Freedom — and the pride he represents — inspires thousands annually at the Wildlife Center, at Georgia Southern football games (where he flies at every home game), and at graduations, community events and other appearances.

Last updated: 10/25/2023