GATA-Go by Transact Mobile Ordering offers a convenient way for students, faculty and staff to place mobile orders at their favorite retail dining locations on campus straight from their phones. Users can pay for their meals through the app with credit or debit cards as well as with EagleXpress.

GATA-Go will also feature a host of loyalty reward point program which will be implemented later in the semester.
To use GATA-Go, download “Transact Mobile Ordering” from the app store on your mobile device. Then select “Georgia Southern- GATA-Go” from the list, and log in with your my.GeorgiaSouthern credentials to get started. The app will keep you logged in for future use.
GATA-Go can be used at select retail dining locations on the Statesboro Campus beginning July 1 and will be available on the Armstrong Campus later this fall.
Last updated: 8/20/2020