Bicycle and Property Registration
Register your bike and all personal property free of cost on a secure website called Leads on Line Report It. This website can be used to maintain records of your personal property, such as photos, descriptions, and serial numbers. This will facilitate identification of your property in the event of a theft or loss.
Nighttime Escort Safety Team (NEST)
The Nighttime Escort Safety Team (NEST) provides additional security to the campus community. The team consists of uniformed student employees who provide on-campus escorts for all students, faculty and staff upon request. The Safety Team is equipped with Public Safety radios, and operates between 6:00 pm and 2:00 am, Sunday through Friday. To request a NEST escort, please contact the following numbers:
Statesboro campus: (912) 478-5234
Armstrong/Liberty Campus: (912) 344-3333
[pb_slideshow group=”12″]Event Security
Complete this form to request security for an event on campus.

Operation Identification
Operation Identification is an engraving service for your valuables to deter thieves and also to prove ownership should the article be stolen and recovered by law enforcement. Engravers are available at Public Safety. An inventory list of all your valuables should also be made by going to Leads On Line.
Vehicle Jump Starts
Each Public Safety vehicle has a jump start kit in the event your battery dies. This service is free of charge. To request a jump start contact Public Safety at:
Statesboro Campus (912) 478-5234
Armstrong & Liberty Campus (912) 344-3333
Vehicle Unlock
As a courtesy to our students, employees, and visitors, contact Public Safety to unlock your vehicle:
Statesboro Campus (912) 478-5234
Armstrong & Liberty Campus (912) 344-3333
Last updated: 9/17/2021