Deposit Transmittal Instructions

Complete the header section of the Deposit Transmittal:

  1. Date
  2. Preparer’s Name
  3. Signature
  4. Dept Phone
  5. Budget Manager’s Name
  6. Signature

Complete the detail code section of the Deposit Transmittal:

  1. Enter the appropriate Banner Detail Code under the Detail Code column
  2. Enter the appropriate Banner Detail Code Description under the Description column
  3. Enter the amount to credit in the Credit column
The details section of the deposit transmittal form has columns for Detail Code, Description, Debit and Credit.

Complete the payment portion of the Deposit Transmittal:

  1. Locate the appropriate payment type (Cash, Check, Credit Cards, and/or Direct Deposit)
  2. Enter the amount to debit in the Debit column
The payment portion of the deposit transmittal form has lines for cash, checks, American Express cards, other credit cards and direct deposit. There is a totals section at the bottom.

The Deposit Transmittal will automatically calculate the following values:

  1. Total Funds – This is the total amount of money brought to the Cashier’s Office for deposit
  2. Totals for both the debit and credit columns – These totals must match!

Please remember all Deposit Transmittals must have adequate supporting documentation!

For a comprehensive costs and affordability analysis, please visit COSTS & AFFORDABILITY

Last updated: 11/9/2023