
Tuition and Fee Invoice Available Online

At Georgia Southern University the student fee invoice is available on the web via $View/ Pay Your Tuition Bill; no invoices are mailed. This system allows accurate and timely billing information. Advantages of the paperless system are

  • The amount of tuition, fees, food and housing for a term is available 24 hours a day; you can access $View/ Pay Your Tuition Bill by logging into and locating it under “Financial Resources”. Click “View Activity” and appropriate term to view balance. It is at your convenience and on your time line, anytime, anywhere
  • Statements are produced periodically and can be found under My Account / Statements / view by date.
  • Web payments can be made online by credit card using MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa (a fee applies) or paid by electronic check from a checking account online, there is no charge for this payment.

Email Notice of Tuition and Fees Due

It is the student’s responsibility to check their GS email messages daily. Students should be sent an email to their GS email address notifying them of charges placed on their account and the due date for payment of those charges.  Per the Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment Policy and in accordance with the financial agreement you consented to prior to registration, failure to pay by the due date could result in cancellation of registration for all classes a student is registered for that term. 

Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment Policy

All students must meet minimum financial requirements to remain enrolled each semester.  Tuition and Fee Student Accounts are reviewed in advance of the published cancellation for nonpayment dates; accounts that do not meet the requirements are subject to cancellation for nonpayment.

Students at risk of registration cancellation for nonpayment are alerted by email, text message and phone call prior to the cancellation processing date to provide the opportunity to resolve their status. Those impacted by registration cancellation are notified by email as well. Re-enrollment guidance is provided in the cancellation notification.

Students not intending to stay enrolled in classes should not rely on the Registration Cancellation for Nonpayment procedure to remove course registration and related tuition and fees charges. See additional information about Withdrawing from Courses or initiating an Official Withdrawal to prevent unintended financial obligation to the University.

Minimum Payment Requirements

The university offers a variety of payment options for families who desire greater flexibility in paying the account balance. Meeting one or a combination of the following conditions to cover the account balance in full will prevent registration cancellation for nonpayment:

  • Tuition and Fee Student Account payments may be made in the form of ECheck, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Visa, cashier’s check, or money order.
  • Enrollment in a Nelnet payment plan. 
  • Third Party contract payments, which may include, but are not limited to VA education benefits
  • 529 College Savings Plans (other plans, 401K withdrawals, etc.)
  • International payments: The university has partnered with Flywire, a third party for international payment transactions. Payment must be fully funded and “guaranteed”.
  • Financial Aid awarded and accepted for the semester: 
  • There are four broad categories of financial aid: Grants, Scholarships, Loans, Work-study. Your financial aid will be offered to you and you must review and accept/decline the aid. Accepted aid should reflect on your student account in 1-3 business days. 
  • Parent loans. 
  • If chosen for Financial Aid verification, the process must be completed in its entirety for aid to be offered/accepted prior to registration cancellation for nonpayment.

*Failure to receive an email does not exclude individuals from the policy. Students may have the ability to opt out of communications or may filter University emails.  

How do students add parents and/or others as authorized users?

Please make sure that you have your Pop-up Blocker turned off and JavaScript is Enabled.

  1. Student logs into
  2. Once in the MyGeorgiaSouthern portal, under “Financial Resources”, click “View/Pay Tuition Bill”. This will redirect to Bill+Pay.
  3. Once in Bill+Pay, under “My Profile Setup” section, click “Authorized Users”.
  4. Click on “Add Authorized User”.
  5. Type in the e-mail address of the authorized user and answer two security questions.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Read the Agreement to Add Authorized User. If you agree, check the box and click Continue.

Your authorized user will receive two separate emails, one with his/her Username and one with a temporary password. The email will contain a link to the login location at where the authorized user will enter their email address and temporary password. If an authorized user is removed, they will also receive a notice of this change

What amount is due on my account?

  1. The yellow highlighted account summary area (at the top of the Bill + Payment main menu) is the current amount due less any authorized financial aid.
  2. You are responsible for paying any amount due from this area even if your statement amount is different.

Where is my statement?

  1. Student logs into
  2. Once in the MyGeorgiaSouthern portal, under “Financial Resources”, click “View/Pay Tuition Bill”. This will redirect to Bill+Pay.
  3. From Bill + Payment main menu, choose statement
  4. Click View on Demand Statement to view your current account balance and details.

Why is my statement different than my account summary?

Your statement is a snap shot as of the date it was generated. Any changes made since your statement was produced are reflected in the yellow highlighted account summary area. Remember changes to your schedule or housing/meals can impact the account total. Please review the account summary 24 hours after any changes have been made to see any adjustments.

Students who are unable to attend

Students who are unable to begin attending a semester for which they have registered must formally withdraw from that term by notifying the Registrar’s Office by completing the Voluntary Cancellation/Withdrawal Form. For questions please email This will remove your name from the rolls. Your tuition and mandatory university fees should prorate as of the date of the total withdrawal from all classes. However after the 60% completion point of the semester, there is no further proration. If you have housing or meals charges, you are responsible for notifying those offices directly.

Students who officially or unofficially withdraw from the university

Methods of Payment

For a comprehensive costs and affordability analysis, please visit COSTS & AFFORDABILITY

Last updated: 7/25/2024