USG Student Health Insurance Plans
The University System of Georgia provides eligible students with access to a comprehensive and competitively priced Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Please click the SHIP link for additional details.
The voluntary enrollment period closes 30 days after the coverage period start date unless otherwise indicated on the UHC voluntary plan website.
Mandatory Medical Plan
Please see Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for USG SHIP Annual Premiums
Specific groups* of Georgia Southern students are required to have health insurance. After registering for classes, the premium charge for the Student Health Insurance Plan will automatically be placed on the student account for these groups:
- All graduate students receiving a Full Tuition Waiver as part of their graduate assistantship award as determined by Georgia Southern University.
- All undergraduate, graduate and ESL international students holding “F1” or “J1” visa status.
- All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in programs that require proof of health insurance as determined by Georgia Southern University. This includes Nursing (not Pre- Nursing) and Athletic Training.
- All graduate students receiving fellowships that fully fund their tuition as determined by Georgia Southern University.
*The University reserves the right to make changes to the criteria above without previous notice.
Each semester period (Fall and Spring/Summer) students are required to either enroll in or have an approved waiver. Once you have registered for classes, the premium will appear on your student account.
- Fall (August 1 – December 31)
- Spring/Summer (January 1 – July 31)
To enroll for mandatory coverage
If you do not have other health insurance coverage and want to enroll, wait 3 business days after the charge appears on your account. Then click here to enroll in the plan. Spouses and dependents are eligible for enrollment as well. Coverage under this plan cannot be prorated or terminated early. After enrollment, this system provides the ability to print an ID card, check claims status, update personal information, look up a network provider and contact information for any questions.
To submit an insurance waiver request
To submit a waiver, go to UnitedHealthcare and select “Waive Coverage.” Use your 9-digit student ID number and date of birth to access the waiver form. Upon submission of the request, you will immediately receive a confirmation page. Please print a copy of the confirmation page for proof of your waiver submission.
The review of your waiver request may take up 7 business days to complete. During this review period, you may be asked to submit proof of your insurance coverage such as letter from your insurance company verifying coverage and a copy of your insurance policy. Requested documentation must be in English.
- For your waiver request to be considered, you must submit your request by the deadline shown on the UnitedHealthcare website each semester. If you fail to do so, you are expected to pay the premium charges on your student account.
- You are required to submit a waiver request each semester.
- An approved waiver for the mandatory student health insurance plan does NOT waive the student health semester fee that is part of a student’s tuition and fees.
- The minimum requirements that your current plan has must meet the minimum requirements listed at Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP) for you to receive an approved waiver.
If your mandatory insurance waiver is approved
A credit will be placed on your student account for the premiums charged. This can take up to 3 business days after the waiver approval.
If you have an approved waiver, but you lose your insurance plan coverage during the semester, please email us at
If your mandatory insurance waiver is denied
You will need to follow the appeal process with UHC which should have been included in your email denial notice.
If you have questions about the waiver process, please refer to the email you received or contact UHC directly at:
Customer Service: 1-800-767-0700
Have a Question? Submit form
Voluntary Plans
All DOMESTIC students enrolled in six (6) or more credits per term, or participating in Cooperative Education Programs and are enrolled in a degree-seeking program; OR all DOMESTIC Graduate and Professional students enrolled in a minimum of three (3) graduate level credit hours and enrolled in a degree-seeking program are eligible to enroll in this insurance plan. Eligible Dependents of enrolled students may participate in this insurance plan on a voluntary basis.
The voluntary enrollment period closes 30 days after the coverage period start date unless otherwise indicated on the UHC voluntary plan website.
Dental and vision is only an additional option when selecting the voluntary medical plan. Dental and vision are only available as an annual selection by the enrollment deadline listed on the website.
The voluntary enrollment period closes 30 days after the coverage period start date unless otherwise indicated on the UHC voluntary plan website.
For a comprehensive costs and affordability analysis, please visit COSTS & AFFORDABILITY
Questions concerning plan benefits or claims should be submitted to the United Healthcare Student Resources customer service via the UHC Question Form.
For other general questions or assistance please email us at
Last updated: 11/9/2023