Rules and FAQs


Good sportsmanship is an integral part of intramural sports. Please review the Intramural Sports Handbook for general rules and procedures governing Armstrong’s intramural sports program. All participants are expected to comply with the spirit as well as the letter of these rules.

Frequently asked questions

Need a question answered about Intramural Sports? Chances are that someone else has the same question. Here are some of our most commonly asked questions regarding participation in Intramural Sports.

Q. How do I sign up a team for an event?

A. To register an account, create a team, join a team or become a free agent, please complete the following steps:

  • Go to Armstrong Registration Page.
  • Enter your information. Only or will be accepted as domains for your email address. Please use your official Armstrong email account.
  • You will be sent an activation email. Click the link in your email to activate your account.
  • You should automatically be joined to Armstrong. If not, you can search schools and join accordingly.

For more information, see the IMLeagues Sign-Up Instructions or the IMLeagues Facebook Sign-Up Instructions.

Q. Can I sign up and play if I don’t already have a team?

A. Absolutely! Register as a Free Agent to let team captains and others know that you are interested in playing a sport but don’t already have a team. You can either be recruited by an already-existing team or contact other free agents to form a team of your own. Please note that there is no guarantee that you will be recruited by a team. Intramural Sports does not place free agents on already-existing teams. Free Agents can sign up by following the IMLeagues registration information available in the previous question.

Q. How much does it cost to enter a sport or tournament?

A. For most events, it costs nothing to participate! Off-campus events such as bowling or golf may require a minimal fee to guarantee your spot.

Q. Can I play on more than one team in a sport?

A. Yes, but there are specific eligibility rules regarding this. A participant may play on a maximum of one men’s or women’s team AND one Co-Rec team in each sport. At no time may a participant play on more than one men’s, women’s, or Co-Rec team in a sport, regardless of the number of different leagues in that sport.

Q. Can I play on an intramural team if I received a varsity letter in college?

A. Varsity athletes are not eligible for participation in an intramural sport if they are a current intercollegiate athlete in the same or related sport during the current academic year. Current varsity athletes may participate without restriction in any other intramural sport. Former varsity athletes may be eligible for participation in their sport following the conclusion of their intercollegiate activity. Please see the Intramural Sports Handbook for specific eligibility rules regarding participation of former varsity and club sport athletes.

Q. What do we get if we win?

A. Each team and individual/dual All-Campus Champion will receive Intramural Champion T-shirts. In addition, champions in each sport league will have their team photo displayed on the website in the Intramural Champions Gallery.

Q. How do I become an official or employee for Intramural Sports?

A. To find out more about becoming a sport official, simply attend the Officials’ Clinics for the sport(s) in which you are interested. Training in rules and mechanics will be provided at these sessions. Officials hired will be based on the number of applicants, the number of positions available, and sport experience. To become an Intramural Official or Scorekeeper, simply attend the informational meeting for that sport. Officials informational meeting information is available on the Officials’ page.

Last updated: 5/17/2018