Personal Training

Ever felt like you need a jump-start on getting fit, or maybe just an expert to help guide you? Well now’s your chance. Georgia Southern offers nationally trained Personal Fitness Trainers so you can be the best version of yourself. Affordable packages are available for students, faculty and staff.
- You MUST be a member of the Armstrong Recreation Center and possess a valid Eagle ID Card.
- Complete the Personal Training Interest Packet form below.
- Packages can be paid in full at the ARC. The ARC accepts debit/credit card and EagleExpress payments.
- You will be contacted within 24 hours by a personal trainer to schedule a time to complete a health history questionnaire and discuss general fitness goals. Based on your response, you might be required to obtain a physician’s clearance prior to beginning your training sessions.
- Client must present the receipt to the trainer on the day of the health assessment.
- Client must provide 24-hour notice to the trainer when canceling an appointment to avoid getting charged for that session.
- Each session is 60 minutes in length.
The Trainers
The personal training staff is comprised of certified Georgia Southern students and affiliates interested and educated in exercise science, physical education, nursing or a related field. You may choose your own personal trainer providing they are available.
What to Expect
Your trainer will develop a program based on your interests, goals, and current fitness level. The first meeting with your trainer will include 20-30 minutes of goal setting and program development and 30-40 minutes of fitness testing/health assessment. Subsequent sessions will include 60 minutes of cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, and/or flexibility exercises working towards achieving your fitness goals.
Session Package | Student | Facility and Staff |
1 session | $40 | $50 |
3 sessions | $80 | $100 |
5 sessions | $150 ($30/session) | $175 ($35/session) |
12 sessions | $300 ($25/session) | $360 ($30/session) |
20 sessions | $400 ($20/session) | $500 ($25/session) |
12 sessions (for 2 people) | $360 ($180pp – $30/session) | $420 ($210pp – $35/session) |
20 sessions (for 2 people) | $500 ($250pp – $25/session) | $600 ($300pp – $30/session) |
1 session purchased = 1 fitness health assessment and exercise plan (without trainer)
The Health Assessment is mandatory before any exercise can be given by the trainer.
To meet with the trainer one-on-one in the weight room you must purchase more than 1 session.
Fitness Health Assessment Includes:
Cardiovascular, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance testings, circumference measurements, body fat analysis and blood pressure readings. Please contact Leigh Johnson, Fitness and Wellness Coordinator, if you have any questions at (912) 344-3136 or
Client Information
Thank you for making a commitment to your health and wellness through CRI Personal Training; once we have received your completed paperwork you will:
- Be contacted by a member of the Fitness Staff.
- Be assigned a trainer based on your information and availability of personal trainers.
- Be contacted by your trainer to schedule your first meeting.
- Once you have met with your personal trainer and number of sessions has been agreed upon, please go to Member Services to purchase your package.
***Please bring your receipt with you to your next assigned session.***
Training Etiquette
In order to help make your personal training experience a positive one, we ask that you observe the following training etiquette:
- A trainer/client agreement will be formed and agreed upon by both parties explaining procedures for cancelling sessions and various policies.
- If canceling a session, ideally 24 hours’ notice prior to session is required.
- Be ready to work hard during each session; wear closed toe athletic shoes and clothing and bring a water bottle (a towel is provided).
Fitness Assessment Pretest Information
To assure the best possible accuracy of the information obtained from the fitness assessment, please follow the instructions listed below.
- Drink plenty of fluids 24-hours preceding the assessment to ensure normal hydration.
- Avoid exercise or strenuous activity before the assessment on the day of testing.
- Inform your trainer about any medication and/or other supplements you are taking (take recommended physician dosage the day of assessment).
Client Confidentiality & Trainer Evaluation
All information regarding your program and progress will be kept confidential and remain in our client files for 3 years following the cessation of your participation in the program. Personal Trainers are required to adhere to HIPAA guidelines to protect any vital health information given. Information shall not be discussed with anyone other than your assigned personal trainer and the Fitness Program Director.
At the completion of every semester and/or at the cessation of your involvement with the personal training program, you will have the opportunity to evaluate your trainer on a number of areas. Client feedback is always accepted and recommended.
Personal Training Packages & Sessions
- Payment must be received for training sessions before the assessment is given.
- Trainers cannot accept session payments, please pay for sessions at Member Services (M-F 8:00a-5:00p) or via mail, show receipt of payment to your trainer.
- In the event a refund is requested, only full packages will be refunded. Partial packages that have begun will not be refunded and any remaining sessions after your cessation from the program will be forfeited at the completion of the semester.
- Sessions are not to be traded or given to other clients upon ending the program.
- All training sessions expire with the completion of your recreation membership.
Personal Trainer Assignment
Due to the high interest of the personal training program, it is possible that there is a waiting list. Clients will be assigned a personal trainer in the order that the applications were received. Please be patient as we attempt to assign you a trainer that can assist you with your goals, motivational request and training schedule.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding your personal trainer or the program, please contact Fitness Coordinator, Leigh Johnson, by email at
Last updated: 4/25/2022