Work for Us

Do you want an on-campus job that pays you to be around sports and have fun? Come try-out to officiate Georgia Southern’s Intramural Sports. Everyone is welcome. We will teach you everything you need to know.

Become an Official

Officials TrainingsDate(s)TimeLocation
VolleyballAug. 21-228pmARC Classroom
Flag FootballSept. 17-198pmARC Classroom
KickballNov. 168pmARC Classroom
BasketballJan. 21-238pmARC Classroom
Outdoor SoccerFeb. 18-198pmARC Classroom
4v4 Flag FootballFeb. 208pmARC Classroom

To avoid potential class conflicts, all clinics are held in the evening hours.  Please commit yourself for the entire week of training (attendance at all training sessions is required).

Visit the Student Employee Center to complete application.

  • Each sport has a separate training clinic
  • Officials wanting to work multiple sports must attend the training clinic for all sports they want to officiate.

Last updated: 2/4/2025