Wellness Week Starts Feb. 15!

Wellness Week

Let Your Wellness Glow!

The University Wellness Program invites you to come Let Your Wellness GlowFriday, February 15 marks the kickoff of Georgia Southern’s Wellness Week.

Get your glow on during Wellness Week, lasting through Friday, February 22!  This 7-day long series provides numerous events the Georgia Southern community can enjoy while enhancing the 7 dimensions of wellness.

“Wellness Week started as a way to begin infusing the idea of wellness into the culture of Georgia Southern.  Our goal with Wellness Week is to introduce individuals to fun wellness programs as well as further one’s growth as an individual,” said Wellness Program Director Michele Martin.

This spring semester brings events such as the Empty Bowl Project, Super Chef, Rave it Up!, and the Live Well Fair.  The University Wellness Program has teamed up with almost 50 vendors and partners on and off campus for the week’s events.

Wellness Week will consists of over 20 different events. Come learn how to cook up some healthy and tasty foods at Super Chef, understand the significance of an Empty Bowl, get your glow on at a yoga class, or just mingle while enjoying music, food and all the glowing apparel someone could want at the Rave.

Wellness events run all day throughout the week and are in various locations on Georgia Southern’s campus.  Some events require pre-registration.  For registration information or the complete Wellness Week schedule go to recreation.georgiasouthern.edu/wellness.

For more information about Wellness Week or other Wellness Programs, contact Wellness Program Director Michele Martin or call (912) 478-5436.


Posted in University Wellness

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