Logistics and Supply Chain Innovations

Global markets are sustained by complex supply chains that integrate resources, people, production, and movement into sophisticated networks of delivery. It is less commonly recognized that the same integration is necessary to move a patient through surgery or a student into a classroom. Georgia Southern University researchers analyze and design network innovations that define the sciences of movement and integration.

Five of the ten largest clusters of employment in Coastal Georgia are centered in innovation, manufacturing, and supply chain sectors. These include aerospace and defense, water transportation, transportation and logistics, distribution and electronic commerce, and production technology and heavy machinery trade sectors. The Savannah area, with the fourth-largest container port in the U.S. and ranked as a top region in aerospace and defense, is a key source of economic activity for Georgia.

Public Impact Research

Georgia Southern research and development in logistics and supply chain innovations advance the quality of life for citizens in the region by building the transportation sector, with enhancing the delivery of goods and services, and providing a wide range of job opportunities to grow the economy.

Faculty Expertise

Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chains

Specific applications include multimodal logistics operations and engineering (air-rail-freight) along with aerospace maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO).

Automation and Machine Learning

Faculty expertise includes machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as automation, robotics, and mechatronics.


Center for Applied Cyber Education


Tribology Research Group

Engineering and Research Facility

Advanced Fuel Testing Laboratory

Antennas and Wireless Propagation Laboratory

Asphalt Laboratory

Computational Aerodynamics, and Aeroacoustics Laboratory

Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Fundamental Combustion Laboratory

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

Optical Networks and Smart Application (ONSmart) Laboratory

Rapid Prototyping Laboratory

Renewable Energies and Engines Laboratory Signal Engineering Laboratory

Last updated: 5/14/2024