Join an Organization

The Office of Student Activities has over 200+ registered student organizations on all campuses. Browse through our listing of organizations on Eagle Engage to find one that piques your interest by clicking below.
If you can’t find an organization that you want to join, you can always start a new one. We want to see you GET INVOLVED!
Membership in organizations benefits students in many ways:
- Meet new people – Meet students who have the same interests and values as you do.
- Do better in classes – Students who are involved are better able to manage their time and often make better grades.
- Boost your resume – Gain invaluable leadership experiences.
- Learn – Apply what you learn in class to make the most of your education.
- Teach – Teach the campus about yourself, your culture, and your interests.
Click Here for the Student Organization Directory
To view your respective campus’ Student Organization Directory:
1. Click the link to the Directory above
2. Click “Categories” on the right hand side of the screen
3. Then click your respective home campus
Last updated: 3/14/2023