Wings Incentive Program

About the Wings Incentive Program

The Wings Incentive Program was established to recognize those organizations who make it a priority to improve themselves as a whole, and the experience of each of their members. The Wings Incentive Program aims to provide opportunities for organizations to earn points from meaningful and productive experiences. Organizations will earn points that eventually will lead them to achieve either a bronze, silver, gold or platinum status. In order to be eligible to renew their active status, student organizations are required to achieve bronze status which is a minimum of 30 Wings points on the Statesboro Campus and 20 Wings points on the Armstrong Campus annually between April 1 – March 31. Each level of recognition includes great rewards for the organization. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Congratulations to our 2023 – 2024 Platinum, Gold and Silver organizations!

Platinum Organizations

Armstrong Organizations

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Statesboro Organizations

Alpha Omicron Pi

Chi Omega

For Women By Women

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

National Council of Negro Women

Quadball Club

Restoring the Breach, Inc.

Student Government Association

Zeta Tau Alpha

Gold Organizations

Armstrong Organizations

Biology Club

Collegiate 100

Honors Student Organization

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Student Nursing Association

Statesboro Organizations

African Student Association

Alpha Delta Pi

Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society

Black Student Alliance

Black Student Nursing Association

Caribbean Student Association

Collegiate 100

Delta Sigma Pi

Equestrian Team

Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Leading Women of Tomorrow

National Association of Black Accountants

National PanHellenic Council

Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity

Phi Eta Sigma

Phi Mu

Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity

Public Health Student Association

Puppy Club

Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Chi

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

Southern Eagles Archery

Southern Exercise Science Club

Spanish Club

Theta Xi Fraternity

University Programming Board

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Silver Organizations

Armstrong Organizations

Student Academy of Audiology at Armstrong

Statesboro Organizations

Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity, Inc.

Anime Crew

Black Student Alliance

Campus Crusade for Christ

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Dyverzion Dance Team

Epsilon Tau Pi


Panhellenic Association

Pi Tau Sigma

Pre-Dental Society

Pre-Physician Assistant Association

Public Relations Student Society of America

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Eagle Motorsports

Shooting Sports Club

Student Nurses Association at Georgia Southern

Tau Beta Pi

Women in Technology

Youth Fellowship International

Earning Points

Student Organizations earn points by registering their organization each year and participating in events and activities throughout the year. You can review all point opportunities below.

Event/Activity Based Points are earned between April 1 and March 31 annually. Student organizations are required to achieve a minimum of 30 Wings points on the Statesboro Campus and 20 Wings points on the Armstrong Campus for the 2024-2025 academic year.

How to Earn Wings Points 2024-2025

Fall 2024 Wings Opportunities

Event/ActivityDateLocationPoint RequirementsMaximum Points
Complete Renewals by the priority deadlineFriday, May 10N/AMust complete ALL renewal steps.5
Advisor attends a Renewal WorkshopMarch 1 – April 30, 2024N/A


Volunteer for Operation Move-In hosted by University Housing
(Click here to register)
Friday, August 9 | Shift times provided on sign-upArmstrong and Statesboro Campuses5 points per org **1
person is required to
volunteer for max points
Attend SOLD Series WorkshopsVarious dates throughout the semester. Check full calendar here.Virtual via Zoom4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points33
Attend Step into Statesboro hosted by OLCE (Click here to register) August 24 | 8:00 amStatesboro Campus | Williams Center Multipurpose Room4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend Treasure Savannah hosted by OLCE (Click here to register)August 31 | 9:00 amArmstrong Campus | Armstrong Student Union4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Participate in fall Student Organization Fair hosted by the Office of Student ActivitiesArmstrong Campus: September 4 | 11:00 am

Statesboro Campus: September 5 | 11:00 am
Armstrong Campus | Residential Plaza

Statesboro Campus | Russell union Rotunda
4 points | Representatives must stay the duration of the event for points4
Attend National Voter Registration Day panel discussionArmstrong Campus: September 17 | 11:00 am

Statesboro Campus: September 17 | 6:00pm
Armstrong Campus | Ogeechee Theater

Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Theater
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points. Must stay the duration of the event.4
Attend Career Showcase hosted by OCPDSeptember 17 or September 18 | 11:00 am Statesboro Campus | Recreation Activity Center4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend Safety Walk hosted by SGASeptember 17 | 7:30 pm Armstrong Campus | Armstrong Student Union4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend the National Hazing Prevention Week Kick-Off with FSLSeptember 23 | 11:00 amArmstrong Campus | Armstrong Student Union

Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Rotunda
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend Banned Book Week: Interdisciplinary Faculty Panel on Freedom to Read with University Libraries (Click here to register)September 24 | 2:00 pmVirtual via Zoom4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SGA Student Org Body Meetings (Click here to join via Zoom) Passcode: v05Er=E&vhSeptember 24 | 5:30 pm
October 22 | 5:30 pm
November 19 | 5:30 pm
Russell union Room 2052 | Statesboro Campus or virtual via Zoom4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SWHP Commit to Consent RallyArmstrong Campus: September 30 | 11:00 am

Statesboro Campus: October 1 | 11:00 am
Armstrong Campus | Residential Plaza

Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Rotunda
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend Scholar-Sips with University LibrariesStatesboro Campus: October 7 | 4:00 pm

Armstrong Campus: October 9 | 4:00 pm
Statesboro Campus | Henderson Library

Armstrong Campus | Lane Library
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Participate in Homecoming Events: (Events TBD)Week of October 13 – 19Statesboro Campus2 points per event (max 10 events)TBD
Participate in Celebrate Together Spirit Week Events: (Celebrate Together!, Treasure Savannah, Class Royalty Candidate)Week of October 19 – 24Armstrong CampusTBDTBD
Org Round Table | Click HERE for our topic recommendation formOctober 30 | 5:30 pmArmstrong Campus | Skidaway Conference Room

Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Room 2054
4 points **2 officers required to attend for max points4
Participate in Serve912 Trips hosted by the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement

Weekly throughout the semester. Click here for more information.

Various Locations8 points per org. **2 people are required to attend 2 service trip8
Request a Team Building event with Southern Adventures

Click here for more information and to request.

Check the full calendar here.
**Must request at least 3 weeks prior.
4 points per request **max 1 team building event per semester4
Achieve the Explore Badge in the Leader Development Certificate through the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement.Click here for more information and to attend.8 points per org. **2 people are required to acheiving the Explore badge8
Schedule a resume/cover letter critque hosted by the Office of Career and Professional Development.

Click here for more information and to request.

Virtual and in-person options2 points per person. **2 people are are required to schedule 1 appointment each4

Spring 2025 Wings Opportunities

Event/ActivityDateLocationPoint RequirementsMaximum Points
Complete Renewals by the priority deadlineFriday, May 9N/AMust complete ALL renewal steps.5
Attend QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Gatekeeper Training with the Counseling CenterJanuary 17 | 1:00 pmStatesboro Campus | Counseling Center Wellness Room (S)4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
MLK, Jr. Legacy of Service Volunteer Day hosted by OLCEREGISTRATION FULL Statesboro Campus: January 17 | 12:00 pm

Armstrong Campus: January 18 | 8:30 am
Statesboro Campus | Willow Hill Heritage & Renaissance Center (transportation will be provided)

Armstrong Campus | TBD
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend the Office of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration Breakfast (Statesboro) and Luncheon (Armstrong)Statesboro Campus: January 17 | 8:30 am

Armstrong Campus: January 17 | 12:30 pm
Statesboro Campus | Williams Center Multipurpose Room

Armstrong Campus | Student Union Ballroom
4 points per org **1
person is required to
volunteer for max points
Participate the MLK Jr. Day Parade and walk with GSSavannah: Participation is FULL

Statesboro: Canceled due to inclement weather
Savannah | Downtown Savannah

Statesboro | Downtown Statesboro
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Participate in spring Student Organization Fair hosted by the Office of Student ActivitiesArmstrong Campus: January 28 | 11:00 am

Statesboro Campus: January 29 | 11:00 am
Armstrong Campus | Residential Plaza

Statesboro Campus | Russell union Rotunda
4 points | Representatives must stay the duration of the event for points4
Attend SGA Student Org Body Meetings (Click here to join via Zoom) Passcode: v05Er=E&vhJanuary 28 | 5:30 pm
February 25 | 5:30 pm
March 25 | 5:30 pm
Russell union Room 2052 | Statesboro Campus or virtual via Zoom4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SOLD Series WorkshopsVarious dates throughout the semester. Check full calendar here.Virtual via Zoom4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SWHP Hearts and Party SmartsStatesboro Campus: February 13 | 11:00 am

Armstrong Campus: February 18 | 11:00 am
Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Ballroom

Armstrong Campus | Student Union Ballroom
4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Caring for Community Day hosted by OLCEStatesboro Campus: February 12 | 12:00 pm

Armstrong Campus: February 18 | 8:30 am
Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Rotunda

Armstrong Campus | Armstrong Student Union
4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SWHP Think Fast TriviaStatesboro Campus: February 17 | 6:00 pm

Armstrong Campus: February 18 | 6:00 pm
Statesboro Campus | Williams Center Multipurpose Room

Armstrong Campus | Student Union Ballroom
4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend SWHP Period Pride PicnicStatesboro Campus: March 3 | 11:00 am

Armstrong Campus: March 4 | 11:00 am
Statesboro Campus | Russell Union Rotunda

Armstrong Campus | Residential Plaza
4 points per workshop **2 people are required to attend for max points24
Attend Coffee With Cop hosted by SGAMarch 5 | 11:00 amStatesboro Campus | Russell Union4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Org Round Table | Click Here to Register | Click HERE for our topic recommendation formMarch 6 | 5:30 pmVirtual via Zoom4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend the National Volunteer Month Guest Speaker hosted by OLCEApril 1 | 11:50 amStatesboro Campus | TBD4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Attend Scholar-Sips with University LibrariesStatesboro Campus: TBD

Armstrong Campus: TBD
Statesboro Campus | Henderson Library

Armstrong Campus | Lane Library
4 points per org **2 people are required to attend for max points4
Participate in Serve912 Trips hosted by the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement

Weekly throughout the semester. Click here for more information.

Various Locations8 points per org. **2 people are required to attend 2 service trip8
Request a Team Building event with Southern Adventures

Click here for more information and to request.

Check the full calendar here.
**Must request at least 3 weeks prior.
4 points per request **max 1 team building event per semester4
Achieve the Explore Badge in the Leader Development Certificate through the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement.Click here for more information and to attend.8 points per org. **2 people are required to acheiving the Explore badge8
Schedule a resume/cover letter critque hosted by the Office of Career and Professional Development.

Click here for more information and to request.

Virtual and in-person options2 points per person. **2 people are are required to schedule 1 appointment each4

Reward Levels

Once organizations reach a certain level of points, they are placed in a reward level category, these categories are, Gold, Silver & Bronze. Organizations can check their organization’s status by clicking on the “Check my Org’s Level” tab.

2024-2025 Statesboro Campus Reward Levels

Platinum Wings 95 +
Gold Wings 61 – 94 points
Silver Wings 46 – 60 points
Bronze Wings 31 – 45 points
Minimum to Renew in April 2024: 30 points

2024-2025 Armstrong Campus Reward Levels

Platinum Wings 85 +
Gold Wings 51 – 84 points
Silver Wings 36 – 50 points
Bronze Wings 21 – 35 points
Minimum to Renew in April 2024: 20 points

<<Click here to view the 2024-2025 Wings Prize Catalog>>

Click the “Check My Org’s Points” tab to view your Organization’s current Wings Standing!

Check my Organization’s Current Wings Status Level

Please use the links below to check your organization’s status. Organizations are listed by alphabetized listing.

Statesboro student organizations are required to achieve a minimum of 30 Wings points annually between April 1 – March 31. Armstrong student organizations are required to achieve a minimum of 20 Wings points annually between April 1 – March 31.

Organizations highlighted in red are “frozen” organizations. Organizations highlighted in orange are “inactive” organizations. Please contact the Office of Student Activities for additional information regarding frozen and inactive organizations at

A-D Organizations

E-L Organizations

M-Q Organizations

R-Z Organizations

Last updated: 4/12/2023