Student Organization Programming
Below are student organization development opportunities for leadership and general members. Not only does our office provide opportunities for growth, but departments across campus offer events and services to develop skills outside the classroom.
Have you explored our new platform, Eagle Engage?
You can browse upcoming events, student organizations, campus departments, and more on Eagle Engage! All resources for Eagle Engage can be found on the Office of Student Activities website in the Student Organization Resource Center.
Need assistance with Eagle Engage? Fill out the Student Organization Eagle Engage Help Form!
The Student and Organization Leadership Development (SOLD)
Workshop Series is designed for any student seeking to develop their individual leadership capabilities. This series is for students who serve as an officer, aspire to hold a leadership position within a student organization, or those just wanting to develop leadership skills.
Student Organization Fairs are held once at the beginning of each semester for student organizations to promote and connect with interested students. Interested students can browse and meet active student organizations for more information at our fairs.
Last updated: 12/20/2024