SOLD Series Workshops

The Student and Organization Leadership Development (SOLD) Workshop Series is designed for any student seeking to develop their individual leadership capabilities and for students who currently or aspire to hold a leadership position within a student organization. This series is an excellent way for student organizations to train their next leaders. The cost of attending this outstanding workshop series is FREE!

*Please note: Before registering for a workshop, make sure that you are logged into Zoom through SSO with your mygeorgiasouthern credentials.

Go to and click login with SSO (below the email address/password login fields)
2. Enter the domain name: GeorgiaSouthern
3. Log in to MyGeorgiaSouthern using your Georgia Southern email address and password.
4. Once you’ve submitted your login credentials, you should be redirected back to Zoom.

Fall 2024 SOLD Workshop Series

Statesboro & Armstrong Campus

For additional resources for logging in to our webinar series, please click here:

DateTimeSession TitlePresenterLocation
Wed., August 28th5:30PMEagle EngageColeman Bailey & Emily Tannervia Zoom
Wed., September 11th5:30PMRecruitment and RetentionKristen Chandlervia Zoom
Mon., September 16th5:30PMCampus SafetyDr. Aileen Dowell & Danny GarrigusWilliams Center MPR | Statesboro Campus
Tues., September 17th5:30PMCampus SafetyDr. Aileen Dowell & Danny GarrigusOgeechee Theater | Armstrong Campus
Tues., September 24th5:30PMHazing PreventionDaniel McBurneyvia Zoom
Wed., October 9th5:30PMFrom Competition to Collaboration: Learning Effective Conflict Management StylesDr. Catherine Muse Waldenvia Zoom
Tues., October 22nd5:30PMSubstance Use Skills and Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug (NARCAN) TrainingAriah Lewisvia Zoom
Thurs., November 7th5:30PMBudgeting/Money ManagementLaShai Campbellvia Zoom
Wed., November 20th5:30PMUnderstanding Student Services (food pantry, hardships, etc.)Ashley Scottvia Zoom

Spring 2025 SOLD Workshop Series

Statesboro & Armstrong Campus

For additional resources for logging in to our webinar series, please click here:

DateTimeSession TitlePresenterLocationRegistration Link
Mon., January 27th5:30PMAccountability in Action: Taking Ownership of YOUR Collegiate ExperienceBritton Lyonvia ZoomRegistration Link
Tues., February 4th5:30PMCampus SafetyDr. Aileen Dowell & Sgt. Danny Garrigusvia ZoomRegistration Link
Tues., February 11th5:30PMSearching for Service: Tools to Finding Local Volunteer OpportunitiesEmily Tannervia ZoomRegistration Link
Wed., February 26th5:30PMUnderstanding Equal Opportunity & Title IXJulie Ogburn & Amber Culpeppervia ZoomRegistration Link
Mon., March 10th5:30PMEthics in Action: Developing Your Ethical Decision-Making and Reasoning SkillsCatherine Muse Waldenvia ZoomRegistration Link
Thurs., March 27th5:30PMOfficer TransitionsAdrianna Hollowayvia ZoomRegistration Link

Last updated: 3/18/2022