Virtual Resources
Check out the options below to learn how you can “Do Well Digitally”
Virtual Wellness Coaching
What is Virtual Wellness Coaching?
Wellness Coaching is a free service that provides opportunities for you to gain awareness and learn strategies to help you thrive on campus and beyond. Wellness coaches take a positive approach to personal development, focusing on your strengths to help you generate goals that are meaningful to you. We are happy to offer this service virtually while we are away from campus.
What can a Wellness Coach help with?
We can assist you navigate challenges related to the following topics:
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Stress Management
- Time Management
- Tobacco Cessation
- Relaxation Strategies
What makes coaching different from counseling?
There are many parallels between coaching and counseling that can make it easy to confuse the two services. The chart below describes some of the difference between these two distinctive services.
Both coaching and counseling can be incredibly valuable for students. If you think you’d like to seek treatment for a mental health concern, please contact the Counseling Center at 912-478-5541 on the Statesboro campus or 912-344-2529 on the Armstrong campus, or explore their website. If you want support in navigating transitions in your life, are seeking a safe place to talk through challenges or want to focus on improving your college experience through focusing on wellness and strengths, wellness coaching could be a great fit for you! Request a Wellness Coach here.
Peer Body Project
In collaboration with the Counseling Center, Student Wellness & Health Promotion are excited to bring The Body Project to students in a virtual format! The Body Project is a body acceptance group that meets once a week for four weeks via webex to discuss our culture of unattainable beauty ideals, how those ideals affect us, and how we can promote more realistic and healthy perspectives. Click here for more information on the Peer Body Project.

Last updated: 11/10/2022