EAGLE ALERT (All Campuses): Class Cancellation Extended to Friday, Sept. 6

Georgia Southern University is canceling classes for Friday, Sept. 6. Faculty and staff should expect an announcement Thursday evening regarding the University reopening for some or all University business operations on Friday. 

This decision comes as we continue to monitor Hurricane Dorian and evaluate its potential impact on the safety of our students, faculty and staff. We are also concerned about those who need to travel, and we want to allow time for expected clean-up of our campuses.

To recap:

  • Classes will remain canceled through the rest of this week. Students should monitor their online Folio accounts to remain up-to-date on their classes.
  • University officials will make an announcement Thursday evening about whether, and when, some or all business operations — including the re-opening of dining facilities and the residence halls on the Armstrong Campus — can resume on Friday. 
  • We are Game On for Saturday! The football home opener against Maine at Paulson Stadium is still scheduled for Saturday at 6 p.m.  

Everyone should continue to monitor the weather for all changes and please be advised that the National Weather Service may send out wireless alerts to cell phones in the watch and warning areas for severe weather and tornadoes. Always heed the instructions of local emergency officials and recommendations from the National Weather Service.

Continue to monitor the University Alert Center at GeorgiaSouthern.edu/alert for further updates and information regarding housing, dining and other services. In the event that conditions worsen or the University closure is extended, we will notify the University community.

We encourage everyone to monitor the resources below and make preparations as necessary.

Other Resources:
CEMA – Evacuation Assembly Area


Posted in Alerts