Office of Student Activities Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

    • The Wings Incentive Program was established to recognize those organizations who make it a priority to improve themselves as a whole, and the experience of each of their members. The Wings Incentive Program aims to provide opportunities for organizations to earn points from meaningful and productive experiences. Organizations will earn points that eventually will lead them to achieving either a bronze, silver or gold status annually between April 1 – March 31 each year. Each level of recognition includes great rewards for the organization. If you have any questions, please contact us!

    • You must fill out an Open Flame Request form if you plan to cook on-campus (examples: grill, flat top, propane, etc.). This form must be filled out by the student organization and approved by your Primary on-campus Advisor.
  • Forms must be turned in at least a week in advance.

    • The Student Organization Leadership Development (SOLD) Workshop Series is designed for any student seeking to develop their individual leadership capabilities and for students who currently or aspire to hold a leadership position within a student organization.  This series is an excellent way for student organizations to train their next leaders.
    • These workshops are open to all students and they are FREE!

    • Statesboro Campus:
      • Williams Center, 2nd Floor
    • Armstrong Campus:
      • Student Union, Suite: D234

    • If you have any additional questions, please contact the Office of Student Activities at osa@georgiasouthern.edu or by phone at (912) 478-7270 (Statesboro) or (912) 344-2504 (Armstrong).  We would be more than happy to help!

Student Organization Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

    • Students wishing to organize into a new organization must meet the following criteria:
        • Have at least four (4) chartering members. Each member must be currently enrolled at Georgia Southern University. Note: One of the four students must be designated as the initial Registered Agent (President). The Registered Agent (President) is the legal contact and spokesperson for the group. 
        • Secure an organization Advisor. Advisor must be a full-time faculty/staff member at Georgia Southern University and must have been employed for at least 6 months. Graduate Assistants are not permitted.
        • Draft a Constitution/Bylaws that will govern your organization. Use this checklist to help you create your own Constitution/Bylaws for your new organization.
        • Have two (2) chartering members attend a New Organization Charting Workshop to learn about the new student organization chartering process. Note: One of these officers must be the registered agent (President).
        • After completion of the New Organization Chartering Workshop, the registered agent (President) must submit an official, new organization registration form (with a formal Constitution) via Eagle Engage.
      • After successful completion of the Eagle Engage registration form, the President and Primary Advisor will be required to complete agreement forms and post tests. This will be emailed by the Office of Student Activities once the registration portion has been completed and approved.
    • For more detailed information and dates for the New Student Organization Chartering Workshop please visit https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/students/student-activities/start/.

    • A Recognized Student Organization is a student organization that has completed the registration process to become an organization at Georgia Southern and is recognized as “Active” by the Office of Student Activities.

    • Registered student organizations can select from the following classifications based upon their interests and goals. This is done to foster communication between clubs that may share similar philosophical underpinnings and to assist interested students in finding an organization that suits their needs. The classifications available to select from are:
        • Academic – Provides opportunities for individuals to discuss and share information related to a specific academic discipline, topic or interest. These student organizations provide opportunities to get to know other students in one’s academic discipline as well as faculty members inside and outside of the classroom.
        • Creative & Performing Arts – Provides students with an outlet for their creative talents.
        • Cultural – Promotes cultural diversity and the support of other nations and/or ethnic groups.
        • Campus-Department Sponsored – Organizations directly supported by a campus department/office.
        • Diversity Education & Advocacy – Provides and/or promotes services and opportunities for individuals to increase their knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion. These organizations also offer training on effective methods of advocacy.
        • Honorary – Recognizes students who excel academically. Membership in the group is often based on GPA.
        • Peer Mentorship – Provides opportunities for individuals to mentor fellow students, specific demographic populations or community organizations.
        • Political Action – Promotes and/or furthers the interest of a particular political group.
        • Professional – Provides an opportunity for individuals to discuss, share information about, and preview specific academic disciplines, topics or interests. Membership may be composed of a specific academic discipline, topic or interest.
        • Service – Provides and/or promotes service and volunteer opportunities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
        • Social Action – Raises awareness and organizes efforts to combat social issues.
        • Social Fraternity and Sorority – Provides life-long opportunities for leadership, service, academic achievement, and social involvement. These groups must be affiliated with a national fraternal organization and are composed of all male or female members (single sex organizations).
        • Special Interest – Focus on a specific topic or hobby.
        • Spiritual – Supports students’ interest in specific spiritual beliefs, religions or denominations.
        • Sports – Promotes a common interest in fostering participation, officiating of, and competition in a specific sport or recreational activities.
        • Student Affairs Sponsored – Organizations directly advised and financially supported by a department/office from the Division of Student Affairs. (i.e: SGA, George-Anne Media Group, UPB, and the Wellness Ambassadors).

    • The following privileges are available to official, Georgia Southern University registered student organizations:
        • Reserve University facilities, equipment, vans, etc.
        • Hold fundraisers on campus
        • Sponsor campus activities
        • Invite speakers to campus
        • Apply for activity fee monies with the Student Government Association (SGA)
        • Publicize sponsored activities on campus
        • Recruit students as members on campus
        • Use the University’s name and logo (with permission)
        • Develop website visibility through Eagle Engage
        • Receive discount on services provided through the Russell Union and Armstrong Student Union
        • Participate in organization fairs sponsored by the Office of Student Activities
        • Receive specific individual and group advisement and training from the various departments within the Division of Student Affairs
        • Receive assistance and advisement from Student Activities for programs and events
        • Receive awards and honors presented to University organizations and members through the various departments within the division of Student Affairs
        • Be listed in University and Student Activities publications, including the Office of Student Activities website
        • Participate in University events such as the Eagle Experience, Homecoming, Orientation (SOAR), etc.
        • Receive Advisor training and consultation from the Office of Student Activities
      • Utilize additional services provided by the Office of Student Activities
    • For more resources for student organizations and advisors, please visit our resource center at https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/students/student-activities/resource-center/

    • To find a list of all active student organizations on campus, please visit Eagle Engage.  There you find all of the active student organizations and their individual pages with contact information.

    • You’ll learn more about yourself
    • You develop people skills and skills you can take with you beyond college
    • You’ll learn how to work with a team and collaborate
    • You can network with your peers, faculty and staff at the University
    • You will be able to engage with a diverse group of people and meet new friends
    • You will gain leadership skills
    • You can add student organization involvement to your resume
    • You can gain service hours
    • It will be fun!!

    • There are no requirements from our office.  However, different student organizations may require certain GPAs, majors, interviews/application process or admittance into a program prior to the approval of your membership.  You can request this information directly from the student organization you are interested in.

Active Student Organization Questions

    • Student Organizations earn points by registering their organization each year and participating in events and activities throughout the year.
    • Event/Activity based points are earned between April 1 and March 31 annually.
    • To see a full list of opportunities please click the link below and then click “Earning Points”:  https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/students/student-activities/studentorgs/wings/

    • Only active student organizations can reserve space on campus. The University uses the Eagle Space Reservation System for space reservations. Once your organization submits your reservation, your on-campus advisor will be notified prior to it being sent to the appropriate building manager for approval.

    • The Office of Student Activities will send notification to all active student organizations letting them know that registration for the Student Organization Fair is now open.  In that notification, there will be a link to a form to complete and submit for approval. Only student organizations that have completed the renewal process and are in good standing with the Office of Student Activities will be permitted to register.

    • Please visit our Roster Resource page for a step-by-step guide on how to update your roster on Eagle Engage.

    • Student Organization Space is offered in the Office of Student Activities in the Williams Center, 2nd floor.
    • During the beginning of the academic year, the Office of Student Activities will send out an email notification to active student organizations letting them know registration is available for Student Organization Storage Locker. The President will then fill out the Org Locker registration form (link found in the email).  Once your registration has been approved, the President will have a meeting with someone from the Office of Student Activities staff to go over the rules and regulations regarding use of the space.

    • Your Faculty/Staff Advisor must complete the Student Org Email Request form.  Requests will be routed to the Office of Student Activities to verify the organization’s active status and then sent to IT Services for further processing and creation of the account.

      • There are several different ways for your organization to market your upcoming events.  Below are a few examples:
      • Posters/flyers on bulletin boards around campus
      • Word of Mouth

Renewal Questions

    • In order for your organization to remain active and renew for the following year, your organization must have completed the renewal process in April and have achieved 20 Wings points for Armstrong organizations and 30 Wings points for Statesboro organizations by March 31st during that academic year.   

    • The steps to update your original registration with an updated constitution are as follows:
        • Login to your Eagle Engage (via MyGeorgiaSouthern)
        • Locate the the drop down menu by clicking on your picture or letter of your last name in the top right hand corner
        • Click on “Submissions”
        • Locate and click on the “Organization Registrations” tab
        • Use the drop down menu for “Filter by Status” to select “Denied”
        • Once you find the denied submission, click on the eye icon to the right
        • Locate the “Upload Constitution – Bylaws” page of the application and click on the link
      • You will be able to upload a new constitution and proceed to the final page and click the “re-submit” button.

Financial Questions

    • Student organizations can receive funding from the Student Government Association.  In order to receive funding, your organization must be active and in good standing with the Office of Student Activities. To apply for funds, please visit https://ww2.georgiasouthern.edu/students/sga/.
      • This is not available for University Sponsored organizations or club sports.
    • Student organizations can also apply for CLEC funding and Seed Grants from the Office of Inclusive Excellence. CLEC and Seed Grants are designed to support increased intercultural programming on campus. To apply for funds, please visit https://president.georgiasouthern.edu/inclusive-excellence/clec-faq/

    • If your organization has an EIN number, the organization will need to file taxes each year.  Please to fill out and file the IRS Tax Form 990-N

    • In order for your organization to host a fundraiser on-campus, your organization will need to use the following steps:
        • Submit a reservation for space on campus using the Eagle Space Reservation System.
        • Complete the Fundraiser request information on your space request.
      • The Office of Student Activities will then approve or deny your Fundraising request. If approved, the Office of Student Activities will send that approval to the appropriate building manager for your reservation request to be approved.
      • *Please note: This form must be submitted at least 3-5 business days in advance to be approved.

    • In order for your organization to host a raffle on campus, your organization will need to follow the following steps:
        • Submit a reservation for space on campus using EMS.
        • Complete the Fundraiser request information on your space request.
          • Only student organizations that are tax exempt are able to host raffles on campus
        • Complete the Bulloch County or Chatham County Sheriff’s Office raffle packet.
          • In the packet, there is a Raffle Form that needs to be signed by the appropriate Sheriff’s office. Please note, in Bulloch County you must pass a background check prior to the raffle being approved.
        • Turn the signed Raffle Form into the Office of Student Activities at the respective campus.
      • The Office of Student Activities will then approve or deny your Fundraising request. If approved, the Office of Student Activities will send that approval to the appropriate building manager for your reservation request to be approved.
      • Please note: This form must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities at least 7-10 business days in advance to be approved.

    • Agency funds are monies held by Georgia Southern University as custodian or fiscal agent for an outside agency. The funds belong to an outside agency and Georgia Southern provides accounting and other services for that agency.  Agency funds cannot be used to hold monies for profit making activities, or payroll.
    • Primary Advisors of registered student organizations wishing to establish an agency fund account should submit a completed and signed Agency Account Request Form to their direct supervisor or department chair. Requests will then be routed for further approval and creation of the account. Should you have questions regarding the status of your account, please contact Emily Strickland in the Office of Financial Accounting at estrickland@georgiasouthern.edu. Note: Please allow 7-10 business days for processing.
    • The request will then be sent to the Office the Vice President of Business and Finance for final approval.

    • An organization may apply for non-profit/tax-exempt status and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) through the IRS website. Step-by-step instructions can be found under the “Financial” tab on our Student Organization Resource page.
      • Note: Organizations that apply for and obtain an EIN must fill out the 990-N tax form each year, which can also be found on the IRS website.
      • An organization that is affiliated with a national organization should check whether their national organization’s non-profit status can be extended for the student organization. If so, they may request their EIN to provide.

Last updated: 7/13/2021
