Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection

Betty Foy Sanders

Betty Foy Sanders (2007)

In 1967, Betty Foy Sanders established the Georgia Artists Collection, currently on view at Georgia Southern University, when she donated a painting of her own, Coastal Sand Dunes, for permanent display.

Since then, Sanders continues to curate the collection by adding key works of art created by notable artists. With her impeccable aesthetic sense and critical eye, Sanders chooses artworks for the Collection based upon their association with Georgia — whether the artist’s origin, the indigenous materials used, or the regional content of the artwork. The collection has grown to nearly 100 artworks, which make the Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artist Collection an invaluable resource to the state.

Designed with this distinguished collection in mind, a permanent exhibition gallery within the Center for Art & Theatre opened its doors to the public in 2008.


Betty Foy Sanders has divided the Georgia Artists Collection into six different ‘traditions’ titled
A Sense of Place, Study of Nature, Human Form, Narrative in Art, Abstract Reasoning and Aesthetic Object.

Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection - A Sense of Place Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection - Study of Nature Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art - Human Form Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art - Narrative in Art Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection - Abstract Reasoning Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artists Collection - Aesthetic Object

Collection Overview

♦ Currently on Display

Artist Title Date Medium View Image
John Abbott Blackbird with Red Spot on Head No. 140  1790 Watercolor Paper watercolor paper
John Abbott Blackbird  1790 Watercolor on Paper icon_alert_blue
John Abbott Oak Leaves (Pin Oak) with Acorn and Moth  1790 Hand Colored Engraving icon_alert_blue
John Abbott Oak Leaves with Acorn, Moths, and Pupae  1790 Hand Colored Engraving icon_alert_blue
Glynn Acree Queen in Captivity ♦ 1976 Cast Bronze icon_alert_blue
Stephen Bayless Door on River Street 1980 Pastel on Paper icon_alert_blue
Stephen Bayless Railcar 1980 Oil Pastel on Paper icon_alert_blue
Betty Foy Botts On Wings of Eagles 1980  Acrylic on Wood Panels icon_alert_blue
Clay Burnette Coral Tripod  2003 Pine Needle Basket with
Branch Coral and Garnets
Ouida Canaday Portrait of Betty Foy Sanders ♦ 1977 Charcoal on Paper icon_alert_blue
Ouida Canaday Ossabaw  1969 Oil on Canvas icon_alert_blue
Charles Counts Vessel  1971 Clay stoneware, slips, sgraffito icon_alert_blue
Jack Davis Jimmy Carter at the New Hampshire Primary  1975 Colored Pen and Ink icon_alert_blue
Lamar Dodd Cooper In Space  1963 Gouache on Paper icon_alert_blue
Unknown Eagle of the Spokane Nation Replica of a 1750 Original, one of five Carved Pine
Mary Engel Rose ♦ 1990 Mixed Media icon_alert_blue
Debra Fritts Touching Ground Stoneware/ Mixed Media
Laurence Holden In This City, Dreaming The Garden  1998 Mixed Media icon_alert_blue
Wilbur George Kurtz Old Buckhead Tavern  1935 Pen and Ink icon_alert_blue
Wilbur George Kurtz The Stranded Coal Wagon (The Affair of the Stranded Coal Wagon and Mile on Kuhn St. Wednesday afternoon February 14, 1912)  1936 Watercolor icon_alert_blue
Natalie Longley Kitty Heaven  1989  Ceramic Sculpture icon_alert_blue
Suzanne MacKay Quilted Jacket  Fabric icon_alert_blue
Athos Menaboni Scarlet Tanager 1980  Watercolor icon_alert_blue
Caroline Montague Reunion
(on display outside of the Foy Building, Georgia Southern University)
1991  Enameled Stainless Steel icon_alert_blue
Edward Moulthrop Figured Tulipwood 1983  Figured tulipwood icon_alert_blue
Marc Moulton Ascend 2008 Stainless Steel icon_alert_blue
Mattie Lou O’Kelley Sundown on the Snow 1975 Acrylic on Canvas icon_alert_blue
George Parrish Carl Sanders 1967 Gouache icon_alert_blue
Steven Penley Erk 2010  Acrylic on Canvas icon_alert_blue
Joseph Perrin Violet Horizontal  1969 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Dale Rayburn Sunday School Class 1976 Lithograph 71/100 icon_alert_blue
Linda Whitt Smith Crystalline Platters 2008 Porcelain with Crystalline glaze icon_alert_blue
Susan Starr Butterfly  1979 Wood sculpture with fiber on polished brass base icon_alert_blue
Dee Venzer Dignity of Man ♦ 1990 Oil on Canvas icon_alert_blue
Karen Weihs Just Do It  2003 Watercolor and Ink icon_alert_blue
Pandra Williams Improbella Frugipara 2005 Ceramic/ Mixed Media icon_alert_blue
Pandra Williams Ostentatia Virga ♦ 2004 Ceramic / Mixed Media icon_alert_blue
Pandra Williams Secret Dreams of Fruit  2005  Ceramic sculpture icon_alert_blue
Troy Wingard Jamie ♦ 1998 Pastel on Paper icon_alert_blue

While the BFSDoArt displays selections from the Betty Foy Sanders Georgia Artist Collection, there are occasionally objects that are not on view. If you are interested in viewing any artworks that are not on view, please contact the Gallery Director to schedule an appointment to look at the object(s). Please note that all requests require seven-day notice and staff can not accommodate ‘same day’ requests.

Last updated: 2/25/2022