IACUC Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Applications that require full board approval must be received by the Office of Research Integrity by 5PM on the 15th day of the month for inclusion on the following month’s agenda.

Not all applications require full board review.  Most protocols will be reviewed by a designated reviewer process that does not require a full board meeting.   Applications submitted through email  are considered for designated review on a first in basis.  Eligibility for designated review is determined at the time of application submission based upon application complexity, workload and animal pain level. Where designated review is approved, application deadlines are not enforced.

When full committee review is required, protocols are scheduled to committee agendas on a first in basis as space allows.  Please allow a minimum of 60 days for all full board reviews. The IACUC does not normally meet in the months of June, July or December. You will receive more information and a zoom link telling you the date, time and how to join the meeting. Applicants and their advisers (for student protocols) are invited to be present to answer questions about their protocols.

Please contact the Office of Research Integrity for further information.


Last updated: 9/5/2024