Funding Opportunities

External Funding Opportunities

  1. Grant Forward: Designed for academic researchers to scan public and private funding sources.  There are internal filters to streamline the search process and set auto notifications for new opportunities.
  2. Scan funding opportunities from 26 federal agencies.
  3. The Office of Research routinely searches for funding opportunities based upon college-level search terms.  Current results are available here. If you would like to add search terms for your college, please contact your Research Associate Dean.
  4. Funding updates for the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, NIH, NASA, NSF, and COVID-19 are available here.

Internal Funding Opportunities

  1. Research Seed Funding Awards: Funding for pilot studies intended to lead to external funding; there is an expectation for a post-award external funding application.  Applications are accepted once per year in the month of January for funding in the following fiscal year. See the application guidelines for eligibility information, submission forms, and application instructions. The application must be submitted through the application portal. The most recent application deadline: Extended 1 week: now Due January 31st 2025 @ 5pm.
  2. Scholarly Pursuit Awards: Funding to support defined scholarly and creative projects and concrete activities that advance fundamental research; there is an expectation for product generation (e.g. publication, art piece, presentation, performance).  Applications are accepted once per year in the month of January for funding in the following fiscal year. See the application guidelines for eligibility information, submission forms, and application instructions. The application must be submitted through the application portal. The most recent application deadline: Extended 1 week: now Due January 31st 2025 @ 5pm.
  3. Publication Assistance: The Research Publication Assistance Fund accepts requests between July 1 and May 1 of each fiscal year or until the fund is fully expended. The Research Publication Assistance Fund provides support for specified costs related to accepted faculty publications for referred journals/publishers. See eligibility and guidelines for more information.
  4. Merit Awards: Georgia Southern offers Awards for Excellence to support research and scholarship. Nominations for Awards for Excellence in Research or Innovation & Discovery can be made through the Georgia Southern University Awards website. If you are nominated for one of these awards you must use the application guidelines, forms, and rubrics on the Faculty Research Awards for Excellence in Research/Innovation & Discovery website.
  5. Impact Area Accelerator Grants: These grants will provide “barrier breaking” support for existing research programs by supporting active researchers as they take their work to the next level.  This funding opportunity will provide summer faculty stipends and research assistants to accelerate program growth and the extramural funding needed to support that work.   The focus is on programs already funded and underway but in need of additional resources to grow.  See the full funding announcement for deadlines and additional details.  PIs must be nominated by their Research Associate Dean by September 24, 2023, although your Dean’s Office may set an earlier deadline.  
  6. Competitive Travel Supplement: The Office of Research is offering a limited number of supplemental travel awards with funding up to $1500 offset the costs for research dissemination at national and international conferences. Funding is intended to focus on supporting early career pre-tenure faculty. However, applications will be accepted from tenured faculty. The next application deadline is September 20th, 2024.  Application materials are available here.

Last updated: 1/22/2025