Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee

All research and instruction, whether funded or unfunded, that involves vertebrate animals must be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC is a federally mandated, campus-based committee having responsibility for overseeing the institution’s compliance with the care and use of animals. All Georgia Southern activities involving the care and use of non-human, vertebrate animals are subject to compliance with the federal Animal Welfare Act, whether or not such care and use is supported by external funding. The primary purpose of the Act is to ensure that animals used in research, for exhibition, in demonstrations, or as pets receive humane care and treatment. The law’s regulations cover the transport, purchase, sale, housing, care, handling, treatment and disposal of such animals.

The committee can assist Georgia Southern faculty, staff, and students to design their work in ways that effectively meet both their needs and the requirements of the relevant legislation and regulations. To learn more about IACUC and how to apply for IACUC approval, please click on the appropriate links in the menu.

If you have questions that are not answered here, or you would just like to speak with someone, contact the Office of Research Integrity at 912-478-5465,

IACUC Chair: Dr. Johanne Lewis – 912-478-5964;

IACUC Associate Chair:  Dr. Stephen Greiman – 912-478-5964;

IACUC Administration:, (912) 478-5465, 3000 Veazey Hall (Statesboro Campus)

Attending Veterinarian:  Amy Dorminey,

Concerns may be reported to any of the above or anonymously through the Georgia Southern University Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline

Whistleblower Protection Policy – USG

Whistleblower Policy (Non-Retaliation)– GS

All concerns will be investigated by the committee designee and a response provided if contact information is provided.


Emergency Contingency Links (Restricted Access)

Essential Personnel List  

Emergency Husbandry Plans

Last updated: 8/23/2023