Preferred submission method: Single email to irb@georgiasouthern.edu. Applications with hand written signatures can be scanned and emailed, an Adobe Digital ID signature, or a DocuSign signature. or official Adobe electronic signatures are accepted.
Form Name | Additional Form Information |
IACUC Application | Save this form to your computer as a word file. Type all responses. Fields are expandable. Please submit to IRB@georgiasouthern.edu in a single email. |
Emergency Husbandry Form For Animals Housed on Campus |
Emergency husbandry plans are required to be updated within the last 30 days prior to new and renewal applications. Each researcher only needs one plan and should include all their animals on this one document. For New Researchers: Email us at irb@georgiasouthern.edu to request access to the Emergency Husbandry Plan Google Drive Folder. Then you can submit an Emergency Husbandry Form by uploading as a Google Doc to the folder. For Existing Researchers: To “submit” your emergency husbandry plan, please edit your existing plan in the Emergency Husbandry Plan Google drive. If you are a student, this must be submitted by your faculty adviser. |
Essential Personnel List For Animals Housed on Campus |
The IACUC Essential Personnel List must be verified within the last 30 days prior to each new IACUC application and each renewal submission. Make sure you update the Last Updated column even if no changes need to be made at that time. For New Researchers: Email us at irb@georgiasouthern.edu to request access to the Essential Personnel List. This must be completed by a faculty member. |
Appendix A – Special Husbandry | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix B – Hazardous Substances | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix C – Specimen Collection | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix D – Surgery | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix E – Other Experimental Procedures | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix F – Field Study-Wild Catch | Complete only if applicable |
Appendix G – USDA Pain Category Chart | Informational only |
Biology Research Facility Request Form | Form used to request the use of animal research facility space from the department of Biology. |
Medical Clearance Questionnaire (aka Animal Handler Form) |
GS – For medical clearance to work with animals – medical practitioner evaluation required. Submit completed form to Health Center. Click here for further directions. Non-GS – investigators or research personnel listed on a protocol – See Medical Clearance page “Who should participate“ |
Medical (occupational) Health Risk Brochure | All animal users, students and individuals with ancillary access to research or education animals. |
Postmortem Tissue Collection | Documentation for post mortem tissue collection for tissues acquired but not covered as part of an IACUC protocol on which you are listed. |
IACUC Extension or Project Termination | Use to extend or terminate an approved IACUC protocol. Extension requests must be received by the first day of the month in which the protocol expires. |
IACUC Amendment | Use to amend an approved IACUC protocol |
IACUC Exemption | Use to request an exemption approval for field observation studies |
CITI Training Required |
GS – “Animal Researcher’s Course – Working with the IACUC” course required through CITI Program – Log in through GS to use your institutional account. Additionally, training in the specific technique associated with your protocol must be supplied by faculty experience or mentor training and documented in your application. Non-GS – investigators listed on a protocol may use the GS online basic training and/or supply proof of equivalent training from their home institution. ( Non-GS log in directions for collaborators. ) Non-GS investigators and research personnel will also need a CV or other recognized certification that documents skill animal handling technique associated with the protocol. |
Form Name | Additional Form Information |
Weekly Animal Checklist | For use by researchers in tracking animal welfare checks. Must be current and readily available at all times. |
Facility Inspection-Biology | For use by facility managers and staff and IACUC members in evaluating facility compliance |
Facility Inspection- Wildlife Center | For use by facility managers and staff and IACUC members in evaluating facility compliance |
Adoption Form | Contact the Research Compliance Officer prior to use. |
Adverse Event Form | For use where unanticipated events occur (Vet contact required) |
Performance Site Agreement Form | To be used where the animal acquisition, care, housing and research are completed at a federally assured facility that is not covered by the GS assurance |
Holding Protocol Enrollment Agreement | Requires Signature of Chair |
Rabies Vaccine Information Sheet | CDC Rabies-What you need to know. |
Georgia Southern University Researcher Participation Standard Release | A waiver of liability for students participating in research projects as student researchers. Waivers should be maintained by the faculty member. If the faculty member leaves GS, all current waivers (less than 3 years or for ongoing field work) must be turned over to the departmental office for retention. |
Animal Cage Identification Plate | Required for all housed animals |
IACUC SOP Template | Standard format for submission of proposed Standard Operating Procedures for Animal Care and Use at Georgia Southern |
Emergency Husbandry Form | Keep up to date instructions for the basic care of your animals housed in University space in the event you are unable to make it to campus. (e.g., Hurricane, illness, quarantine.) |
Form Name | Additional Form Information |
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals | The eighth edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen for their diverse perspectives and expertise, in accordance with procedures approved by the Report Review Committee of the National Research Council. |
Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Teaching and Research – (the Ag Guide-4th ed.) | The Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) has released the third edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Training (FASS Ag Guide). The FASS A guide serves as a primary reference document for meeting the needs and requirements of agricultural animals utilized in research and teaching. |
Animal Welfare Act | Animal Welfare Act in pdf format. |
Good Lab Practice Regulations (FDA and EPA) | Comparison Chart of FDA and EPA Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Regulations and the OECD Principles of GLP |
USDA’s Animal Welfare Information Center | Information regarding relevant laws, regulations and discussions of animal care and use. |
NIH Grant Application Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS) Guidance | To clarify information that must be included in the Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS) of grant applications and cooperative agreements that use live vertebrate animals in research.Explains how VAS is evaluated as part of the NIH peer review process and is considered as part of the overall scoring. Distinction is made between the oversight role of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and review responsibility of the NIH Scientific Review Group (SRG). |
NIH VAS Training Video | Video presentation of NIH VAS sections and required test with examples and applicant/reviewer checklist. (Approx 20 min) |
NIH VAS Fact Sheet | 5 points of information to be included in the VAS for each performance site. |
Rabies Vaccine Information Sheet | CDC Rabies – What you need to know |
2020 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia | The following forms may be used in completing IACUC protocols for review |
Last updated: 1/28/2025