Collaborating with Non-GS Researchers

IRB Forms

Georgia Southern faculty, staff, or students who wish to collaborate on human subjects research with researchers not affiliated with Georgia Southern must request approval through the Georgia Southern University Institutional Review Board (GS IRB).

The GS IRB may agree to collaborate with the IRB of another institution’s IRB when a research project involves multiple university campuses or when deemed appropriate to protect human participants.  Human subjects’ research involving two or more campuses may include research projects that recruit participants from multiple campuses, involve investigators from multiple campuses, or utilize resources from multiple campuses.  All agreements must be signed by the participating IRB’s – not the investigators.

For student protocols:  The student must have a GS faculty member (usually their research advisor) agree to be responsible for the project.

For externally funded research: If your funding application identified a specific single-IRB, any changes to the primary IRB must have approval from the funding agency.

Non-GS Researchers recruiting from GS but not working with a GS employee : See our FAQ “How does a researcher from off campus obtain site access permission to conduct research on GS campuses or with GS populations?

IRB Authorization Agreement (IAA)

Protocols being reviewed as expedited or full board:

  • If the GS faculty/staff member is requesting Georgia Southern to be the primary IRB:
    • Submit your application materials, making sure to list the outside personnel on the first page and in the personnel section of the application. 
    • For non-GS researchers, please include a copy of the human subjects training required by their university.
    • Have the outside personnel reach out to their IRB to make sure they will be willing to rely on the GS IRB. 
    • GS IRB will coordinate the reliance agreement with the other IRB.
  • If a non-GS, FWA institution is going to be the primary IRB:
    • The GS faculty member needs to submit a Collaboration Request Form and supporting documents (listed on the form).
    • GS IRB will review to see if they can enter into a reliance agreement with the other institution.
Exempt Determination Acceptance

Protocols that qualify under any of the exempt categories:

  • GS does not engage in reliance agreements for research approved as exempt.
  • If Georgia Southern is reviewing the exempt application, non Georgia Southern personnel should contact their institution’s IRB to determine if they will accept our exempt determination or will require their own review.
  • If another FWA institution is reviewing the exempt application, the GS researcher needs to submit a Collaboration Request Form and supporting documents (listed on the form).  GS IRB will review to see if they can accept the other institution’s exempt determination or require our own review.
Individual Investigator Agreement

If you are working with someone not affiliated with another institution, their institution does not have an FWA, or their IRB has determined their institution is not “engaged” in the research:

With your IRB application, the non-GS person(s) must submit:

  1. “Human Subjects-Social & Behavioral Research – Basic/Refresher” training certificate from CITI.  Non-GS personnel can complete the CITI training by following these directions: CITI Directions Non-Georgia Southern Researchers. 
  2. An Individual Investigator Agreement Signed by the external investigator. The Research Integrity office will obtain the institutional official’s signature.
  3. The GS IRB reserves the right not to engage with an outside researcher at its discretion. 
Collaboration Forms and Policies
IRB Authorization Agreement Policy Use where GS faculty is not the PI and another IRB will hold primary approval or the Co-PIs are from other institutions and will rely on our approval.
Collaboration Request Form If you are requesting to rely on another IRB’s approval or exempt determination, please submit this request form along with the supporting documentation.
Individual Investigator Agreement For non-GS personnel who are not affiliated with another institution, their institution does not have an FWA, or their IRB has determined their institution is not “engaged” in the research.

Last updated: 1/30/2024