About the Foundation
The Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation, Inc.(GSURSF), is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization that fosters and promotes the research, service, and educational missions of Georgia Southern University. The Foundation functions as a cooperative organization to the University and is subject to and complies with all policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia regarding cooperative organizations. The Foundation obtains grants and contractual obligations from individuals, government and public agencies, industry sponsors and private organizations to support research, instruction, and service activities at Georgia Southern University.
The GSURSF is the applicant institution for all proposals for external funding and projects selected for funding are awarded in the name of the Foundation. Through a memorandum of understanding with the University, the GSURSF assigns the awards to the University for performance, providing the various academic and support units of the University with the financial means needed to carry out research projects and various external educational and service programs.
GSURSF also manages intellectual property and performs technology transfer functions for the University, taking assignment of inventions; obtaining patent, trademark, and copyright or other intellectual property protection; working with faculty to patent discoveries that have commercial and economic potential; and licensing inventions to the private sector in return for sharing royalty income with the faculty inventors to further the research mission of the University.
From time to time, GSURSF also funds competitive internal grants to support promising research projects and occasionally provides ad hoc support to enhance the name recognition and reputation of the University.
Detailed operational information about the Georgia Southern University Research Service Foundation is available here.
Working with the Foundation
Contracting for Research Services
Georgia Southern University comprises a myriad of research, scholastic and educational strengths that dovetail with current scientific, technological and community needs. All applications, proposals, and contracts for research funding, training, and other scholarly activities, are made in the name of the Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation. In most cases, proposals must be routed for academic and administrative reviews and approvals prior to acceptance of an award or contract. For more information on proposal routing, see the Reviews and Approvals section of the Research Services website.
Once a proposal is reviewed and approved by both parties, contractual agreements may be initiated by the Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation. To facilitate this activity, the Executive Director of the Foundation will work directly with the Sponsor to negotiate the Agreement between the parties. This will serve to memorialize the relationship between the University and the sponsor.
The Grant Coordinator and Executive Director will prepare a Sponsored Programs Agreement. However, in some cases, a Research Services Agreement may be used for projects of limited scope and funding. They will assist you in determining which agreement is most appropriate for your project needs.
Requirements for Institutional Prior Review and Approval
If an application, proposal, or contract is not processed through the proper channels of the University and/or the Research and Service Foundation and is subsequently funded, there is the risk that the award not be accepted, or there may be a delay in accessing funds. Additionally, if a project is solicited by a third-party, and work is performed on this project in absence of a recognized and fully executed sponsored programs agreement (grant or contract), the principal investigator alone maintains ultimate liability for any and all requirements of the research program. Further, the principal investigator must reimburse the University for any and all costs associated with the use of University resources commonly associated with the pursuit of this research.
A Letter to Our Sponsors
Last updated: 4/27/2021