About the Office of Research
The Office of Research supports faculty and staff in the acquisition, performance, and administration of projects and programs funded from sources outside the University through research development, research administration and service; research integrity and compliance; and award management. Sponsored projects and programs include research, public service, instruction, and other scholarly activities funded by external organizations.
The office serves as the central point of coordination for grants, sponsored projects, agreements, memoranda, cooperative and other agreements, as well as contractual obligations from individuals, government, public and non-profit agencies, and industrial, financial and private organizations to support sponsored research and service activities at Georgia Southern University.
The Office of Research engages several units to complete its work under the guidance of a cross-unit Leadership Team led by the Vice Provost for Research.
The main contact number for the Office of Research is (912) 478-6545. The administrative assistant is Shawn Taylor (Tel: (912) 478-5494, Email: staylor@georgiasouthern.edu).
Research Development
Research Services
Research Integrity
Research Accounting
Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation
Last updated: 3/16/2021