Closeout Roles and Responsibilities

Principal Investigator (PI)             

  • Informs Research Accountant about any problems related to expenses, management, or budget before the project’s end date;
  • Submits all documentation for expenditures to the Research Accountant by the deadline;
  • Ensures that the project does not incur a deficit, defined as total expenditures and outstanding commitments exceeding the total amount budgeted;
  • Ensures that cost-shared resources have been allocated to the project;
  • Submits the necessary technical reports and meets any other technical or programmatic requirements of the award or agreement; and
  • Submits all programmatic reports to the sponsor in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award.

Research Accountant

  • Contacts the PI or department administrator to determine whether any expenditures have not been processed;
  • Notifies the PI at 90, 60 and 30 days prior to the end date to determine the necessity of no-cost extensions, supplemental funding requests, or other updates per the PI and funding agency.
  • Ensures that expenditures are reasonable, allowable, and allocable;
  • Assists the PI in resolving any outstanding items;
  • Works with the PI and/or department administrator to minimize last-minute adjustments before the final report/invoice is due to the Research and Service Foundation (RSF);
  • Coordinates adjustments or transfers with the PI and/or department;
  • Prepares adjustment/transfer forms for the deficit and coordinates with the RSF;
  • Runs a closeout report to ensure expenditures match revenue;
  • Reviews the Accounts Receivable Aging report with the RSF;
  • Deactivates the project in the PFS after confirming all receivables have zero (0) balance;
  • Notifies the RSF of any unusual university financial reports or invoicing problems and/or deadlines (e.g., year-end invoicing delays);
  • Posts all expenses to the project before the final invoice or financial report is submitted to the sponsor.

College/Academic Department or Responsible Unit

  • Assumes responsibility for budgetary over-expenditures on the part of the PI;
  • Assumes responsibility for disallowed costs incurred by the PI; and
  • Approves adjustments/transfer by the signature of the PI or a department official.

Research and Service Foundation (RSF)

  • Prepares and submits all invoices and financial reports to the sponsor by the deadline;
  • Contacts the RA before submitting the final report/invoice to confirm that all transactions are posted in the PFS;
  • Ensures that all cash is collected on the final invoice and the financial report has been submitted; and
  • Submits financial reports to the sponsor in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award.

VP for Business and Finance

  • Financial Accounting: Deactivates copier code as of the grant’s end date.
  • Payroll: Transactions must meet established payroll deadlines to ensure checks are processed by the grant’s end date.
  • Facilities Services: All plant charges should be posted no later than 30 days after the grant’s end date.
  • Postal Services: Deactivates post office box as of the grant’s end date.
  • Procurement: For grant-funded transactions, at least 5 business days prior to the Procurement & Contract Services deadline, the transmittal sheet must be signed and the package forwarded to the Office of Research Accounting for approval. The cardholder must understand that if the designated authority is not available to sign the transmittal sheet by the deadline, the package will be forwarded to his or her next available supervisor until the package is reviewed and approved.
    • No P-Card purchases should be made with grant funding within 45 days of the grant’s end date. Any P-Card transactions not processed by the grant’s end date will become the responsibility of the department that housed the award.
    • The P-Card system speed chart is deactivated.
  • Information Technology Services: For example, deactivate phone lines or technology services as of the grant end date.

Last updated: 4/27/2021
