Professional Development

Faculty and Staff

On-Demand Professional Development

Online tools allow for professional development flexibility.  Note: You must be logged into your MyGeorgiaSouthern portal to access most materials.

  1. SciENcv Tutorial:  Supports NSF and NIH BioSketches and NSF Current & Pending Support document generation as a means to reduce administrative burden.  PIs can input information once and then generate agency-specific documents.
  2. Essentials of Grant Proposal Development
  3. New Faculty Guide to Competing for Faculty Funding
  4. Research Integrity: Short videos for compliance understanding.
  5. CITI Program Training – provides self-paced online courses for research, ethics and compliance training.

Interactive Professional Development

Live, interactive sessions allow for real-time Q&A and speaker follow up.  These sessions are delivered either in-person (as conditions allow) or via Zoom.  Professional development opportunities are posted as they become available.

  1. Spring 2024 Calendar
  2. Research Advocates


If you would like to schedule research-related professional development for your unit, please reach out to  We will work with you to tailor an experience that meets your needs.

Last updated: 12/1/2023