Partner with Alternative Breaks

We have many different opportunities for partnership with the Alternative Breaks program at Georgia Southern University! Explore our options below to identify which type of partnership would work best for your group or organization!
If you are a non-profit organization that is interested in having an Alternative Breaks team from Georgia Southern University volunteer with you, this is the type of partnership you are looking for!
For each partnership, we have expectations to ensure a positive experience for everyone. Please review the information below regarding our expectations for partnerships with non-profit organizations. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about a partnership, please reach out to
- Volunteer work Monday through Thursday, ~8 AM to ~4 PM
- Educational experiences
- A safe and inclusive environment for all
- Lodging or connect our group to credible lodging options
- Accessible bathrooms with showers
- A full kitchen or all meals provided
- Individual sleeping arrangements for all participants (8 to 12)
- Local (Statesboro or Savannah) volunteer work on Saturday and or Sunday from ~8 AM to ~4 PM
- If only one day of service is needed, provide suggestions to fill the other day
- Space for the group to sit and eat lunch (we provide our own lunch)
- Educational experiences
- A safe and inclusive environment for all
We love partnering with other offices, departments, and organizations from our University! If you represent another area on campus and are interested in creating a partnership with Alternative Breaks, please review the information below regarding our expectations for partnerships! If you have any questions or would like to inquire about a partnership, please reach out to
- Student leadership involvement from your area
- Staff or faculty involvement from your area
- Financial support from your area
- Participant recruitment efforts
We are interested in partnerships with other universities and colleges to collaborate on Alternative Breaks experiences for our students! If interested, please review our expectations for partnership below and reach out to to inquire!
- Consistent communication before the Break
- Collaboration on creating educational and reflection experiences
Last updated: 2/15/2024