Sustainability Project Funding
Student Sustainability Projects
Student Sustainability Projects were established in Spring 2014 to improve environmental sustainability across campus with Sustainability Fee funds. Project proposals, ranging from $1,000 – $100,000 addressed any aspect of sustainability in the areas of Water, Energy, Waste, Biodiversity, Food, Transportation, Sustainability Promotion etc. and ranged from increasing biodiversity, to improving energy efficiency, implementing renewable energy solutions to encouraging sustainability behaviors, to improved waste reduction, to increasing campus sustainability awareness with interpretive signage, etc. Sustainability Projects are proposed and conducted by any student, faculty, or staff member at Georgia Southern.
Step 1: Do you need a Space Allocation request?
This online request is necessary to document an expected or impending programmatic space need that cannot be met within the administrative unit’s assigned space allocation, or that would require a renovation of existing allocations.
Step 2: Do you need a Facilities Project Request?
This online request is necessary for any project that includes a change in the structure of campus (water bottle fill station, bird boxes, bike racks, etc.).
If needed, you will need to wait to receive Facilities Project Request number quote/number before completing your application below.
- Watch this video explaining what a Facilities Project Request is and who should apply.
Step 3: Do you need a Letter of Support?
Letters of support are needed for projects require collaboration with other campus units?
If needed, download the PDF, complete and save, and then attach the completed form to the online application linked below.
Step 4: Complete the Sustainability Project Funding application by April 7, 2025 at 5:00pm
If you have any questions about the Sustainability Project Funds application process, please reach out to Jeffrey Marsh, Associate Director, Office of Leadership and Community Engagement at
I’m a GS student and have a great idea to improve sustainability on campus! Can I apply and have my idea be funded?
Yes! The grant money comes from your student sustainability fees, so we highly encourage students to apply. However, to ensure that funds are being used correctly, we require student applicants to have a faculty, staff advisor to help guide you through the process and oversee expenditures. We also require that relevant campus units approve and support your project prior to funding.
Who all is eligible to apply for Sustainability Project Funding?
Any current student (undergraduate or graduate) or faculty/staff member on the Statesboro campus of Georgia Southern.
I’m an Armstrong faculty/staff member with a great idea. Can I apply for a Sustainability Project?
No, at least not by yourself. Due to university fiscal policies and where the student sustainability fee is collected, we require that the primary contact for a project be currently affiliated with the Statesboro campus. There is potential for collaboration, but the campus value should be added back to the Statesboro campus, as that is where the fee is collected.
Can I preview the online application?
Yes, you can open and save the application before officially submitting. You can also review a PDF version of the application here (to preview questions), although please note that all proposals must be submitted via the online application.
When are applications accepted?
Applications can be submitted at any time; the deadline to submit applications–to be reviewed for the current academic year–occurs each Spring semester, typically between late March and early April. Check the How to Apply tab to determine the exact submission deadline for the current academic year.
Can I receive feedback prior to submitting a grant application?
You are welcome to email individual questions, but we are unable to provide overall feedback for proposals.
What types of projects need to be approved by the Space Allocation Committee?
Any project that changes the aesthetics of campus (interpretive signage, ID plates, etc.) should request space allocation committee approval.
Who should fill out a Facilities Project Request?
Any project that includes a change in the structure of campus (water bottle fill station, bird boxes, bike racks, etc.) should complete a Facilities Project Request.
What information do I need for a Facilities Project Request?

Are letters of recommendation/support required with the application?
Yes, the Sustainability Fee Committee requires approval from the appropriate authorities for projects involving changing or building campus facilities, and letters stating this approval are required for consideration. This could include a unit you are collaborating with (i.e. dining, housing), an administrator of your college (i.e. chair), a faculty/staff advisor (for student authored grants), an administrator in which the project would impact the work within their unit (i.e. the library, building on campus), etc. If you have any questions about who needs to be included feel free to email us at
How much detail is required?
The Committee expects all of the areas requested to be filled out with enough detail to give insight into what you are trying to do with your project and specific aspects of the project which fit into each area. You are free to provide attachments with information you feel like presenting, but make sure the application form contains all the important information needed for the Committee to make its decision. Be sure to provide sufficient detail in the budget so we know exactly how you expect to spend funds, should your project be funded.
My project doesn’t hit all the areas that you mention in the application. Can I still be funded?
Yes, however the more areas you hit, the better chance your project will be awarded funding. Please be realistic when describing the benefits of your proposal in each area since these awards are funded by a student fee (special consideration is given to projects with significant student involvement). It is ultimately up to the Committee to evaluate your proposal against other applications submitted.
Should I look for funding from my department or other sources in addition to the Sustainability Project?
Yes! The Committee looks very favorable on projects with matching or significant other additional outside funding. This shows that you have received buy-in on your project idea from others. However, again it is ultimately up to the Committee to evaluate your proposal against other applications submitted.
How does the Committee determine funding?
The Sustainability Fee Committee uses the rubric below to determine funded project proposals:

When is funding released for approved projects?
Funds are released at the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1.
I applied but did not receive funding in the last round. Is there an appeals process or can I reapply?
There is no appeals process, but you can make changes/edits to your proposal to reapply during a future funding cycle.
I have received a Sustainability Project in the past and would like to receive additional funding for another phase of the project. Can I apply for another round of funding?
Yes, you can apply again during our normal funding cycle. You should clearly communicate that your proposal is an addition to a previous sustainability project. If possible, submit your final report prior to submitting your new application.
I have questions about the application process and/or timeline. Who should I contact?
Any questions about Sustainability Project Funding at GS should be directed to Jeffrey Marsh (, Associate Director in the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement.
Previously Funded Projects
View previously funded sustainability projects below:
Hendricks Hall Water Filling Station
Proposed by Anna Rose Moore, Student; Ruth Whitworth & BJ Newell, Instructors in Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health ($11,800.00)
Botanic Garden Efficient Upgrade
Proposed by Carolyn Altman, Director – Botanic Garden ($17,120.00)
Lighting Controls & Daylight Harvesting
Proposed by Justin Polk & John Collins, Campus Recreation & Intramurals ($16,984.00)
Emergency Food Pantry
Proposed by Zach Lemons and Sarah Johnson, Graduate Assistants; Casey Weaver, Assistant Dean of Student Care & Well-Being ($6,650.00)
High Bay Light Fixture Replacement to LEDs in RAC Main Gym
Proposed by Justin Polk & John Collins, Campus Recreation & Intramurals ($37,227.00)
Biological Science Water Filler Stations
Proposed by Stephen Vives & Janee Cardell, Biological Sciences ($10,000.00)
IT Water Filling Stations
Proposed by Micaiah Wells-Baylor, Student ($25,600.00)
Green Period Pantry
Proposed by Gabi Wiggil, Student; Gemma Skuraton, Director of Student Wellness & Health Promotions ($48,000.00)
Game Day Recycling Initiative
Proposed by Temitayo Adebile, Athletic Department’s Sustainability Graduate Assistant; Derek Wencl, Director of Athletics Facilities ($5,347.36)
MyZone Technology
Proposed by America Minc, Campus Recreation & Intramurals – Director of Facilities; Terry Micourt, Graduate Assistant ($6,676.00)
Golf Course Tree & Native Landscape Plantings
Proposed by Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent ($5,000.00)
Promoting Environmental and Social Sustainability through Aquaculture and Outreach
Proposed by Caitlin May, Master’s student in Biology; Dr. Sittaramen, Associate Professor of Biology; Dr. Padmini Shankar, Professor of Nutrition & Food Science ($30,904.00)
Revamping the Living Wall
Proposed by Jordan Wilburn, Community Engagement Coordinator; Shelby Furcron, student ($1,000.00)
Where Oh Where Does the Water Go? Wetland Construction at the Botanic Garden.
Proposed by Carolyn Altman, Botanic Garden Director. ($20,306.00)
Turning Campus Greenspaces into a Home for Climate-threatened Birds.
Proposed by Drs. Elizabeth Hunter and Kevin Loope, and Corina Newsome (student), Department of Biology. ($25,847.35)
Tiny Mural: Pollen Nation.
Proposed by Dr. Alan Harvey, Department of Biology, and Professor Jeff Schmuki, Department of Art. ($5,557.50)
Pedestrian Walkway LED Lighting Upgrade.
Proposed by Bryan Rountree, Director of Facility Operations, Facility Services. ($24,832.00)
3D Printing Waste Recycler.
Proposed by Cody Thomas, GS Student, and Dr. Jeff Garland, Department of Art. ($2,598.52)
Food Waste Recycling and Education to Promote Sustainability at Georgia Southern University and the Community.
Proposed by Dr. Padmini Shankar, Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology, Dr. Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences and Dr. Vinoth Sittaramane, Department of Biology. ($40,000.00)
Dating, Dining, and Ducks: Continued Recover of Campus Lakes After Dredging.
Proposed by Hannah Cohen, GS Student, and Drs. Emily Kane and Christian Cox , Department of Biology. ($19,000.00)
Reviving the Living Wall, Phase II.
Proposed by Kira Bowden, GS student, and Jordan Wilburn, staff, Office of Leadership and Community Engagement. ($2,000.00)
Biodiversity of Pollinators and Predators: Surveying and Increasing Appreciation of the Bees, Ants and Wasps of Georgia Southern University.
Proposed by Drs. Joshua Gibson and Kevin Loope, and Bonnie Cobb (student) Department of Biology. ($28,000.00)
Georgia Southern University Golf Course Operation Pollinator.
Proposed by Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramural. ($2,700.00)
Golf Course Tree and Native Landscape Plantings.
Proposed by Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramural. ($5,000.00)
Le Genereux: textile waste
Proposed by Emma Tirlot and Cydney Price (students), Suzanne Hallman (BIG staff) and Dr. Addie Martindale, Department of Fashion Merchandising and Design. ($2,520.25)
Bottle Fillers for the Natural Sciences Building.
Proposed by Melissa Gast-Goodman, Administrative Coordinator, ICPS and Dr. Daniel Gleason, Director, ICPS. ($3,495.16)
A green gateway for the Botanic Garden
Carolyn Altman, Botanic Garden Director ($50,000.00)
Transformed the former parking lot into a welcoming foyer garden, an accessible promenade woven through a new tree collection, and a delightful creek that properly manages storm water. A permeable parking lot and a gateway building was also constructed from reclaimed steel.
Assessing insect biodiversity an promoting sustainable practices toward pollinators on campus
Dr. Lance Durden, Professor, Department of Biology ($27,560.00)
Added arthropods to the vertebrate biodiversity database that was created in 2015.
Bottle filler for Foy Fine Arts Building
Dr. Carolyn Bryan, Professor, Department of Music ($1,833.00)
Installed an additional water bottle filler to help reduce the amount of bottle water and plastic used in the Foy Fine Arts Building.
Ceramics Sculpture Studio lighting upgrade
Bryan Rountree, Director, Facility Operations, Facility Services ($7,800.00)
Upgraded current HID fixtures to LED’s to aid students while working on sculptures in the studio.
Dating, dining, and ducks: Monitoring the recovery of campus lakes after dredging
Dr. Emily Kane, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology ($30,000.00)
Monitored pond recovery after recent dredging by involving students to survey these ponds each month for 1 year. Results were shared in hopes of promoting an understanding of campus biodiversity, the ecology of these ponds, and the importance of sustainable activities.
GS skate docks
Zach Lemons, GS Student ($4,316.00)
GS Skate Docks were installed to encourage an alternate form of transportation that enable students to safely and securely lock up their boards while they are on campus.
Georgia Southern Walking Tour of Trees: A self-regulated learning opportunity to better engage students in the importance of tree species in urban environments (Phase 2)
Dr. Kerrie Sendall, Assistant Professor, Dr. Alan Harvey, Professor and Dr. John Schenk, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology ($27,400.00)
Continued working on identifying and cataloging trees along additional major walking paths on the GS (Statesboro) campus. Information was used to develop a virtual campus tree walk.
Golf Course tree and native landscape plantings
Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramurals ($5,000.00)
Planted native trees (Oaks, Maples, Redbuds, Magnolias, and Pines) at the GS Golf Course.
Green fishing: Sustainable seafood of the Georgia Coastal Plain
Dr. Christine Bedore, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology ($31,808.00)
Promoted sustainability of local marine resources of the Georgia Coastal Plain in order to educate GS students to raise awareness about the importance of making sustainable choices with respect to seafood.
Is one man’s trash an oyster’s treasure?
Dr. John Carroll, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology ($17,384.00 )
Investigation of whether new building construction and remodeling debris waste might be a suitable substrate for oyster recruitments, and if so, this will present a new avenue for recycling construction debris from campus.
One step towards green and sustainable chemistry: Replacing harsh and corrosive acids in Organic Chemistry teaching laboratories
Dr. Shainaz Landge, Assistant Professor and Dr. Abid Shaikh, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry ($10,023.00)
Replaced toxic and corrosive acids such as hydrochloric and sulfuric acids from organic chemistry teaching laboratories with greener alternatives.
Pedestrian walkway LED lighting upgrade
Bryan Rountree, Director, Facility Operations and Services ($38,000.00)
Retrofit existing pot top lighting to new LED lights along the pedestrian walkway. Proven to increase light levels and reduce energy cost by 33%.
Reviving the Living Wall
Kira Bowden, After School Garden Program Community Liaison and Jordan Wilburn, Community Engagement Coordinator, Office of Leadership and Community Engagement ($1,524.00)
Current wall is in disrepair and was revitalized with fresh herbs and plantings for the community to enjoy at the GS Downtown Campus.
Russell Union Room 1085 auditorium (theatre) lighting
Rod Harper, Maintenance Coordinator, Russell Union Facilities & Event Services ($9,000.00)
Replaced fluorescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs in the Student Union Theatre.
Touch free faucets
Cindy Randall, Assistant Dean and Peggy Stepanek, Budget Director, Parker College of Business ($5,350.00)
RAC and Trail – Water Fountain, Bottle Filler and Pet Fountains
Carrie Thorne, Georgia Southern Project Architect, Facilities Planning, Design and Construction ($14,775.00)
Replaced 3 existing water fountains located along the RAC walking trail and by the outdoor sports fields with a new combination unit which included a water bottle filler, an ADA compliant height standard fountain and a low pet bowl.
Golf Course Moisture Meters
Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramurals ($3,000.00)
The use of moisture meters in the management of golf courses is becoming increasingly more popular. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by looking and feeling the soil, which provides for a large amount of variability, resulting in areas that are over-watered so that they do not dry out too much.
Golf Course Tree Plantings
Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramurals ($5,000.00)
Tree plantings on the golf course provide an opportunity to increase tree populations, as well as providing an opportunity to increase the diversity of trees found on the golf course. The trees selected are a variety of different Oaks, Maples, Redbuds, Magnolias, Pines, and Crape Myrtles. The increased tree populations are beneficial by creating additional carbon sequestration for the environment, as well increased wildlife habitat.
Bicycle Parking Plaza Addition at Math and Physics Building
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Division Facilities Services ($21,850.00)
Bicycle parking plazas have been installed in many areas of campus to encourage and support the use of bicycles in transportation to, and around campus. Bicycle usage continues to increase on campus. Additional bicycle parking facilities are needed to provide support to bicycle commuters.
Retrofit Recycling Receptacles with 95 percent Recycled Materials for 15 Buildings
Tiffoni Buckle-McCartney, Sustainability Coordinator, Environmental Health and Safety ($36,391.00)
Retrofit existing Max-R recycling receptacles to separate aluminum cans and plastic bottles. The Max-R products are made of 97% recycled milk jugs in a manufacturing facility powered by 100% renewable energy. This not only upgraded the recycling program but enhanced the visibility of campus sustainability efforts. Setting-up recycling stations promote the reduction in single landfill receptacles across campus and increase waste diversion.
Sustainable Serenity: Trading Pollution for Clean Air and High Spirits
Carolyn Altman, Director, GS Botanic Garden ($39,238.45)
Sustainable Serenity enhanced and protected 11 acres of natural, uninterrupted green space adjacent to the GS campus by enclosing the Endangered Plant Garden, North and South woodlands, Longleaf Pine Forest, and Native Plant Landscape with an environmentally sustainable sound/security fence and botanically significant plantings. The fence was constructed with sustainably produced materials and 100% recyclable soundproofing material, and the plantings mitigate storm water runoff, filter pollutants from water and air, and produce enough oxygen to support 40 students each year. The enhanced green space experience, advertised in various ways, including in the George-Anne, encourage students to connect to nature through their Botanic Garden.
LED Lighting Upgrade for GS Art Galleries
Jason Hoelscher, Gallery Director and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Art ($12,457.40)
Reduces waste and improves the energy efficiency of the galleries in the GS Center for Art and Theatre. This project replaced the eighty-eight 250-watt halogen bulbs and fixtures currently in use, which tend to last two years or less, with eighty-eight equivalent LED bulbs and fixtures that use only 19-watts- and energy savings of over 20,000 watts- and which last up to a decade. In addition to the reduction in the bulbs’ direct energy usage, the climate control savings are substantial as well: the gallery lights are on from 9 .m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the current bulbs generate substantial amounts of heat that keeps the building’s air conditioning busy even when it is not particularly hot outside.
Parking Lot 21 between Parking and Transportation and Russell Union
Bryan Rountree, Mechanical Superintendent, Division Facilities Services ($14,989.83)
Retrofit existing lighting in parking lot 21 between Parking and Transportation and Russell Union Building. The parking lot’s existing outdoor lighting system consists of 6 poles with 4 fixtures per pole, for a total of 24 fixtures. The existing 24 fixtures are 400-watt HPS (high pressure sodium). The retrofit increases existing light levels and reuse existing poles and provides state-of-the-art Light Emitting Diode (LED) “high efficiency” outdoor lighting system and reduces the overall fixture count to 15.
Reducing Food Waste as Part of Sustainability Efforts on GS Campus
Drs. Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Hani Samawi, Joseph Telfair, College of Public Health, and Becky Larson ($26,470.00)
Assessed: 1) food waste within the Eagle Dining Services at GS, perpetuated by students, faculty, and staff (including Eagle Dining Services Staff); as well as 2) their knowledge and perceptions of food waste and sustainable intervention strategies to address this issue. These strategies were primarily student-driven with limited extent, faculty/staff driven. Mixed-methods (quantitative and qualitative) study design were used for this proposed work. Students and other stakeholders were also recruited as study participants to complete a survey and also generate ideas that can enhance development of effective strategies for food waste reduction on GS campus.
HVAC Occupancy Sensors
James Farquharson, Buyer/Inventory Manager, Residential & Auxiliary Services ($10,280.00 )
Georgia Southern’s Housing department converted four of the housing complexes’ clubhouses from standard A/C units to occupancy sensor-operated A/C units. We had 24 units installed in a building at Freedom’s Landing for testing. These sensor-activated air conditioning units lower or raise the temperature based on whether the room is occupied or not. With the installation of these units, we were able to reduce energy consumption as well as unit turnover and maintenance as they will be used less frequently and harshly.
High Bay Lighting Upgrade at the RAC
Jason Schmidt, Coordinator for Physical Operations, Campus Recreation and Intramurals ($9,520.00)
This lighting upgrade project removed twenty, 455-watt metal halide fixtures in the auxiliary gym at the Recreation Activities Center and replaced them with 137-watt LED fixtures. It significantly reduced our energy consumption, decreased maintenance costs and increased light levels, which will remain consistent throughout the life of the fixture.
Georgia Southern Walking Tour of Trees: A self-regulated learning opportunity to better engage students in the importance of tree species in urban environments
Drs. Kerrie Sendall, Alan Harvey, and John Schenk, Dept. of Biology ($30,225.51)
Cataloged trees along major walking paths on the GS campus. They used this information to develop a campus tree walk, in which students and campus visitors rely on a map (available in both digital and paper form) to take an informative, self-guided tour of representative specimens of various tree species on campus. Each specimen featured in the tree walk was identified with a placard that displays its scientific and common names, family, and a QR code that links to a web page containing photographs of and detailed information about the tree, which was also represented by a permanent voucher specimen in the GS Herbarium. The purpose of this project was to create an arboretum-like feel to the campus, which can now be used as a teaching resource and a venue for undergraduate and graduate research projects.
Tiny Mural
Drs. Alan Harvey and Jeff Schmuki (Departments of Biology and Art) with Professor Wendy DesChene (Auburn University) ($6,100.00)
Designed and installed an artistic and vibrant wheat paste mural on a large wall of the Biological Sciences Building, using photomicrographs of microscopic organisms and other biological objects magnified hundreds to thousands of times to reveal the beauty of these tiny specimens to the unaided eye. They introduced this invisible yet ecologically important part of our environment to the community in an entertaining and informative fashion. The lively patterns, created by a professional mural artist and students from the arrangement of these greatly enlarged, highly magnified images from the “tiny universe,” energize the aesthetics of the Biological Sciences building and stimulate educated interest and conversation among its population of students, faculty, and visitors.
Golf Course Tree Planting
Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent, Campus Recreation and Intramurals ($4,300)
Tree plantings on the golf course provide an opportunity to increase tree populations, as well as providing an opportunity to increase the diversity of trees found on the golf course. The trees selected are a variety of different Oaks, Maples, Redbuds, Magnolias, Pines, and Crape Myrtles. The trees selected were either a native variety, with the exception of the Crape Myrtles which were selected to help pollinating insects during the summer months while providing color interest. The increased tree populations are beneficial by creating additional carbon sequestration for the environment, as well increased wildlife habitat.
Bicycle Repair Station: University Housing
James Farquharson, Buyer/Inventory Manager, Residential & Auxiliary Services ($4,000)
Gives students the opportunity to easily perform minor repairs to their bicycle without having to transport their dysfunctional bike relatively long distances (i.e., ,Southern Adventures at the RAC).
Water Fountain Refill Stations: University Housing
James Farquharson, Buyer/Inventory Manager, Residential & Auxiliary Services ($8,086.50)
The addition of 15 water fountains with bottle fillers to Georgia Southern University Housing’s complexes to increase sustainability and prevent the wasting of as many plastic water bottles as possible.
Lower PAC Parking Lot LED Lighting Upgrade
James Grigg, Director of Operations, Facilities Services ($13,700.00)
Retrofit existing pole lighting in parking lot – Lower PAC student parking lot, at the intersection of Plant Drive and Forest Drive. The parking lot’s existing outdoor lighting system consists of 7 – 40′ poles and 20- 400 watt HPS (high pressure sodium) fixtures. The retrofit increase existing light levels and reuse existing poles and provide state-of-the-art Light Emitting Diode (LED) “high efficiency” outdoor lighting system and reduce the overall fixture count to 15 lights.
Henderson Lighting Controllers to Take Advantage of Daylight Savings
James Grigg, Director of Operations, Facilities Services ($4,950.00)
Retrofit the existing interior lighting system in select areas of the Henderson Library to take advantage of the amount of natural daylight that enters through the large windows. The lights are either on or off, installing light harvesting sensors and controls will allow the lighting in the select areas near the windows to turn off when there is enough natural light coming in, thus saving energy and extending the life of the light fixture. This will not change the light fixture look, it will just turn off select lights when there is enough sunlight coming in, also as it gets darker, the lights will come back on to maintain the current lighting levels in the Library.
Solar Powered Ground Mount Cart Charging Stations
James Grigg, Director of Operations, Facilities Services & Rami J. Haddad, Ph.D., Dept. of Electrical Engineering ($14,312.00)
Using off the shelf parts, Electrical Engineering students designed a solar powered charging station for golf carts and other low speed electric vehicles (LSV’s). Over the last few years, the number of electrical carts on campus has grown and so is the need to plug them in to a wall outlet to charge overnight. Creating a sample solar powered charging station gets the cart charging off the grid and also reduces the need for running power in difficult situations.
Healing Landscapes: Additional Bioswales Plantings at Akins Blvd and Pollinator Planting Along Campus Greenway Trail
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Facilities Services ($15,000.00)
Continuation of planting native wetland planting in the ditches along Akins Boulevard to convert the ditches into bioswales. In addition, the existing native landscape along the GS Greenway Trail (from Ladies Softball to Sweetheart Circle) was enhanced with native flowing plants specifically known to be instrumental in supporting pollinator habitat. (The project is identified as part of the campus sustainable landscape maintenance master plan.)
Old Register Road: Multipurpose Trail Phase 2
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Facilities Services ($66,800)
Georgia Southern’s master plan includes a greenway trail through campus to encourage walking and support the use of bicycles in transportation to, and around campus. The greenway trail has been implemented in several areas on campus. This is a connecting phase of the asphalt trail that starts at Old Register Road & Forest Drive and ends at the RAC service driveway. Phase 2 continues parallel to the RAC soccer fields connecting to the Pavilion and Shooting Sports Facility.
Development of Platforms to Access Data on Sustainable Biodiversity on the Georgia Southern Campus
Drs. Michelle Cawthorn, Ray Chandler, Lance McBrayer, & Jamie Roberts, Dept. of Biology ($32,572)
A critical measure of a sustainable university is that it operates without reducing the biodiversity on its own campus. However, the primary impediments to sustaining biodiversity on campus are a lack of data on what species occur on campus and lack of mechanism to readily access whatever data do exist. During Phase 1, their study provided a comprehensive inventory of the vertebrate biodiversity on the GS campus. During Phase 2, they sought to make these data available to members of the campus community, and the general public, via a website and smart-phone application.
LED Modular Retrofit Project: RAC – Free Weight Area
Jason Schmidt, Facility Coordinator for Physical Operations ($ 7,955.00)
This retrofit project replaced all existing metal halide lamps with LED modulars, which are located in 12 fixtures above the free weights area at the RAC. This significantly reduced our energy usage, increased overall light levels and reduced maintenance costs.
GROW ZONE at the Botanic Garden: Building a plantastic place for everybody to learn how to grow just about anything
Carolyn Altman, Director of the Botanic Garden ($13,000)
This project created an engaging, fully interpreted “how to grow anything” zone through which students and visitors can wander and learn how to grow vegetables, shrubs, trees, annuals and perennials.
Dutch Elm Disease Resistant Cultivars for Campus Environmental Sustainability
John Dryden, Dept. of Civil Engineering & Construction Management ($3,135.00)
100 Dutch Elm Disease (DED) Resistant elm cultivar seedlings were grown to sapling size, then planted around campus by student groups and GS Landscape Services, and serve as campus landmark trees during Arbor Day plantings. These saplings also serve as propagation ‘parents’, thus ensuring a steady future supply of DED resistant elm trees for GS. As there has been virtually no research into the performance of these cultivars in Georgia, the long-term performance of these cultivars was reported to the National Elm Trial as part of their continuing research.
RAC Walking Trail New Solar Lighting
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Facilities Services ($16,250.00)
Installed new solar powered LED lighting along a portion of the walking trail at the RAC. The trail was lit by fixtures from the main field sports lighting. The new solar powered LED fixtures retrofit eliminate the use of the sports lighting fixtures to light the trail in the evening and early morning thus saving energy and the wear and tear on the sports lights.
Rehabilitation of Beautiful Eagle Creek (Phase 2)
James Grigg, Director of Operations, Facilities Services, Drs. Checo Colon-Gaud, Alan Harvey, & James H. Roberts, Department of Biology ($27,850.00)
The next step in the rehabilitation of Beautiful Eagle Creek was performing targeted maintenance in order to enhance habitat variability at the site. To achieve this, they employed a systematic removal and environmentally sustainable control of excessive weeds/grasses that are currently overtaking the system and place small patches of mineral substrates (i.e., rocks) in select sections of the creek in order to increase the availability of stable substrates that will lead to increased diversity of aquatic organisms. In doing so, they continued the already established education/outreach and research/monitoring efforts ongoing at Beautiful Eagle Creek by developing additional documentary videos and presentation materials (i.e., posters, fliers, website content).
FabLab Filling Station
Dominque Halaby, Director, Business Innovation Group ($1,650.00)
Installing a water refilling station in the FabLab provided seamless continuity with main campus. Students already visit refilling stations across campus, and when they come to City Campus and the FabLab, they now also have that opportunity. No longer will students need to purchase disposable bottles of water, but they can bring their own reusable ones.
Quantification of the Reduction of Chemical Waster Produced in the Organic Chemistry Teaching Laboratories at Georgia Southern University by Conversion to Microscal
Dr. Hans-Jorge Schanz, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry ($7,500.00)
The Organic Chemistry Teaching Lab accounts for approx. 50% of the organic solvent waste produced in the Chemistry Department. This waste is classified as hazardous and needs to be disposed and rendered harmless by a commercial vendor. This project implemented modern micro-scale experimentation for select experiments in the Teaching Laboratory which should significantly reduce the environmental and financial impact of the organic waste disposal. This proposal quantified the reduction of the waste production and financial savings while weighing in on the students’ satisfaction performing this technology and the initial financial investment.
Bottle Fill Stations
Marcya Barreiro, Assistant Director, Russell Union Facility & Event Services ($3,000)
Replaced three existing water fountains with bottle fill water fountains. The goal was to encourage minimization of plastic bottle waste by providing easily accessible bottle refill stations throughout the Russell Union.
Bicycle Parking Facilities: Hendricks Hall and College of Engineering
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Facilities Services ($25,000)
These bicycle parking facilities are now located adjacent to Hendricks Hall and College of Engineering building entries. Each facility consists of a concrete plaza with permanent campus standard bike racks, each rack having the capacity of approximately 11 bicycles, giving Hendricks Hall 22 bike parking capacity and College of Engineering 44 bike capacity. Additional landscaping around the bike facilities of native grasses is used to help mitigate additional rainwater runoff from the increased pervious area.
Bicycle Repair Station: Pedestrian Between COBA and IT
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect, Facilities Services ($2,400)
The bike repair station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic repairs and maintenance, from changing a flat to adjusting brakes and derailleurs. The tools and air pump are securely attached to the stand with stainless steel cables and tamper-proof fasteners. Hanging the bike from the hanger arms allows the pedals and wheels to spin freely while making adjustments.
Bio-assessment and Monitoring at Beautiful Eagle Creek
Dr. Checo Colón-Gaud, Dr. Jamie Roberts, Dr. Abid Shaikh, Departments of Biology and Chemistry ($31,787)
They proposed research/monitoring and education/outreach efforts at Beautiful Eagle Creek with emphasis on 4 key elements geared to (1) enhance riparian and in-stream habitats (2) implement environmental outreach, education and training projects that integrate university students, local area schools, and community groups (3) provide measurable results including guidelines for ecological restoration of the site, student training and the development of yearly programs that foster citizen science and environmental sustainability (4) fostering partnerships that engage a diverse group of university and community entities to achieve ecological and educational outcomes. They created a structured research/education program designed to monitor conditions at the site, primarily focusing on metrics of biological integrity. They further strengthened the preparation of our students and the efforts of community-based advocacy groups by providing education and outreach opportunities that focus on natural resources in the region, particularly the conservation of freshwater habitats.
Bottle Filling Stations
Dr. Ann Hamilton, Zach S. Henderson Library
Four water fountains by the main staircase at the front of the building were converted to water bottle filling stations. There will be one installation on each floor of the Library next to a traditional water fountain.
Eagle Hydration Stations
Drs. Celine Manoosingh and Francisco Cubas, Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management
Building, College of Engineering and Information Technology, as well as the Engineering Technology building, aim to provide hygienic, hands-free water dispensers. The goal of installing these high efficiency, low cost units was to reduce the ecological footprint of water bottles on the Georgia Southern University campus by 10-15% by the end of 2016. Hydration stations would provide students with an alternative to bottled water by dispensing free, filtered tap water, culminating in a decrease in the consumption of bottled water on campus. In accordance with this goal, this proposal also encompasses a campus-wide campaign to make students aware of the environmental impact of the production, packaging, transport, usage and disposal of plastic water bottles. Additionally, undergraduate students were also involved in performing a life cycle assessment of the embodied energy saved by the plastic water bottles displaced.
FMAD Stitch
Amber M. Shelton, Dr. Rachel J. Eike, & Dr. Beth Myers, Fashion Merchandising and Apparel ($2,500)
FMAD Stitch’s focus is to provide custom mending and alteration needs of students, staff, and faculty. This sustainability program serves two groups: FMAD Students and members of the Georgia Southern University campus community. FMAD students have the opportunity to practice skills and techniques learned in the classroom regarding mending, alterations, and tailoring. FMAD students gained hands on training and experience as they prepare to become employed in the fashion industry. The Georgia Southern University campus community saved their personal income by allowing FMAD students to repair, tailor, or hem their clothing or uniforms as necessary, as opposed to discarding non-functional garments into the landfill and purchasing new. The FMAD Stitch program also gave FMAD students the opportunity to educate the Georgia Southern University community about the importance of well-fitted, tailored clothing. FMAD stitch allows FMAD students to practice the proper procedures for documenting sessions with a “fit model”, communicating their mending/alteration process, and develop their time management skills. The FMAD Stitch program provides FMAD students with concrete examples of their skills that they may share with a potential employer – demonstrating skill mastery in the apparel industry.
Georgia Southern Aquaponics: Sustainable Food Production on Campus
Dr. Subhrajit Saha, Amber Monroe, Ryan M. Day, Dept. of Biology ($21,132)
Food is one of the key focal areas of campus sustainability initiatives and this project studied an aquaponics system and trained Georgia Southern University students on sustainable food production at their residences. Aquaponics is a sustainable and alternative form of agriculture, where aquatic fauna and crops are grown together in a mutually beneficial way. This project also produced four different types of crops, a leafy vegetable (Lettuce), a fruit-bearing vegetable (Tomato), a fruit (Strawberry) and an herb (Mint) with crayfish as aquatic species. Using the aquaponics study as demonstration resources, Georgia Southern University students were trained on developing miniature aquaponics systems to grow food at their dorms, apartments or houses.
Greencycling at the Botanical Garden: A living buffer and composting
solution to an ever-growing problem
Carolyn Altman, Botanical Gardens of the Coastal Plain ($8,800)
Greencycling at the Garden created a living border around most of the 11-acre Garden. The plants in this border added to the Garden’s collections and helped address the air, noise and water pollution created by the busy Fair Road and Georgia Avenue Corridors. The creation and maintenance of this border produced more leaves and limbs than the Garden soil can absorb, so the project also included a request for a dump trailer, which was used to haul the ongoing debris and, in the years following, tons of daily leaves and limbs from the entire Garden to Physical Plant. Physical Plant has agreed to grind the debris into much-needed mulch, thereby returning a huge volume of plant material to Georgia Southern University soil.
Install Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station at Parking and Transportation
James Grigg, Director of Facilities Operations, Division Facilities Services ($15,500)
Installed Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at the Parking & Transportation building (behind Russell Union and Dining Commons)
Installing Bottle Filling Stations in Newton
Dr. Mary Villeponteaux, Department of Literature and Philosophy
If students can refill re-usable water bottles, they will be less likely to buy disposable bottles of water. Disposable plastic bottles are a waste of resources. The Production and transport of plastic bottles uses millions of barrels of oil every year. According to the website Food and Water Watch, about 75% of empty plastic bottles end up in landfills rather than being recycled.
LED Lighting Upgrade Parking Lot: Ceramic Sculpture Building
James Grigg, Director of Facilities Operations, Division of Facilities Services ($23,000)
Retrofit existing pole lighting in parking lot- Ceramic Sculpture- across from Biology Science Complex at Akins Boulevard. The lot’s outdoor lighting system consists of 8-40′ poles and 24-400 watt fixtures. The retrofit maintains existing light levels and reuse existing poles and provide state of-the-art Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) “high efficiency” outdoor lighting system.
Solar Patio Table Charging Stations
Dr. Robert Lake, Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading ($40,950)
At the request of the customer, SolGreen Solutions manufactured, delivered and installed FOUR (4) solar powered SolGreen Evodia Mini SmartTable(s), a commercial outdoor table and shelter integrated with an off-grid solar power system. The Patented Evodia Mini SmartTable provides 110V power via standard AC outlets, as well as 5V DC via USB allowing users to recharge their portable electronic devices. It provides individual seating for four people. Standard features include the Intelligent Rain Detection System, one high-power PV module, LED lighting, and 210AH power storage for after-hours usage. Steel was powder coated with standard finish. Fiberglass was finished in standard color gel coat of customer’s choice. Optional upgrades such as custom steel and fiberglass colors and/or logo, a Wi-Fi hotspot, larger PV modules, additional battery storage, or scrolling LED displays can be added for additional cost at the customer’s request. The outdoor installation site is on the customer’s site located at 1332 Southern Drive, Statesboro, GA 30458. This bid included the complete manufacturing, shipping, and professional installation of FOUR (4) SolGreen Evodia Mini SmartTable(s).
Sun-Tracking Golf Cart’s Roof-Mounted Solar Panel for Improved Performance
Drs. Rami Haddad, Youakim Kalaani, Frank Gross, Department of Electrical Engineering ($2,114.29)
Designed and installed a sun-tracking system for the retrofitted solar panels on Electrical Engineering Department electric golf cart. The sun-
tracking system provides the maximum solar energy generated by the solar panels since the incident sun light angle will always be around 90 degrees of the surface of the panel which maximize the effective area of the solar panel that collects energy.
Using Vertebrates to Provide a Framework for Sustainable Biodiversity on the Georgia Southern Campus
Drs. J. Michelle Cawthorn, C. Ray Chandler, Lance McBrayer, James H. Roberts, Department of Biology ($30,20.89)
Their study provides a comprehensive inventory of the vertebrate biodiversity on the Georgia Southern campus (phase 1). They also made this data available to members of the campus community, and the general public, via a website (Phase 2)
Bigbelly Solar Powered Compacting Trash Cans And Recycling Cans
James Grigg, Director of Facilities Operations ($18,300)
Deploy 3 double bin Big Belly compacting recycling contains on campus. To target high demand areas of the campus (bus stops, pedestrian, etc). The BigBelly’s have built in solar powered compactors and a wireless alert system for notification when the bins are getting full. The container holds 150 gallons of waste vs. the standard cans of about 30 gallons. The compactor and built in alert system allows more material to be picked up as needed, not on a set schedule whether they need emptying or not.
Design of High Speed Computer Networks Aimed at Reducing Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission at Georgia Southern University
Danda B. Rawat, PhD ($31,065.40)
The main focus of this research was to design OpenFlow based networks that will result in high-speed computer networks and dramatic reductions of energy consumption and carbon emission. An experimental OpenFlow based network was established and tested in the CWiNs lab of Georgia Southern University with the specific purpose of demonstrating the significant energy savings and reduction in carbon waste that can be achieved while providing reliable and fast networking services at Georgia Southern University.
Georgia Southern University Gold Course Operation Pollinator
Patrick Reinhardt, Golf Course Superintendent ($2,378.80)
Operation Pollinator is an international effort designed to increase the population of pollinating insects by creating diverse habitat tailored to local conditions and insect populations. Pollinating insects are crucial for the success of many natural habitats and the production of many food crops. The program was introduced to the golf course by converting out of play areas from bahia grass and Bermuda grass to a blend of native wildflowers.
High Capacity Lithium Ion Battery for Self-powered and Sustainable Street Light Unit on Georgia Southern University Campus
Ji Wu (PI) and Shaowen Xu (Co-PI) ($13,344)
In this project, high capacity Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) were proposed for Self-power Sustainable Light Unit on the streets or parking lots of campus. First, the high capacity lithium ion batteries (LIBs) were fabricated using silicon as the active material for higher energy capacity. The reason for adopting Silicon-based LIB is that its theoretical energy capacity (4200 mAh/g) is much higher than that of commercial available graphite-based LIBs (370 mAh/g). Secondly, these high capacity silicon-based LIBs were utilized to store the energy harvested from solar panels for street/parting lots lighting. A prototype device was built and installed on campus for testing.
Led Lighting Upgrade Parking Lot: Hanner Fieldhouse
David Faircloth, Director of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction, Division Facilities Services ($32,800)
Retrofit existing pole lighting in parking lot –Hanner Fieldhouse – front lot and side lot along Fair Road. The lot’s outdoor lighting system consists of 7 – 45’ poles and 16 – 400 watt fixtures. The retrofit increases existing light levels and reuse existing poles and provide state of-the-art Light Emitting Diode (LED) “high efficiency” outdoor lighting system. The project consists of removing exiting light fixtures and replacing light fixtures and upgrading outdoor lighting controls. The previous 400 watt fixture lighting was replaced with lower watt LED fixtures reducing energy consumption by approximately 30% with equivalent light outputs on the parking lot. Daylight to dusk lighting controls would be installed (upgraded). Students using this parking facility access the Hanner Fieldhouse classes and associated athletic venues on campus. You will be able to measure the results by installing power metering on the lighting circuits.
Living Wall Downtown
Dr. Dominique Halaby, with Student Leaders Katie Reams and Abbie Pelech ($19,650)
Georgia Southern students worked with university architects and contractors to design, build, and maintain a vertical garden as a signature component to the Georgia Southern City Campus. The Living Wall Downtown will foster the spirit of innovation and serve as a university-wide and community-wide model of sustainable practices.
Safe and Spectacular Smart Energy Lighting for Georgia Southern’s Green Jewel: Sustainable LED Lighting at the Garden of the Coastal Plain
Carolyn Altman, Garden Director ($17,900)
This project engaged a sustainable lighting design expert to design an overall lighting and power master plan for the Garden. A critical part of this master plan, the lighting of the Concert Lawn, Arboretum, and Native Plant Landscape Garden, was then implemented as Phase One. This proposal included costs for design services, materials, and installation.
Stormwater Improvements: Bioswales at Akins Blvd
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect. Division Facilities Services ($16,600)
This stormwater bioswale is located in the existing drainage ditches along Akins Blvd. The site used to contain an eroded drainage swale along the west side of Akins Blvd and grassed swales in the center boulevard. The area is subject to heavy stormwater runoff from the RAC, adjacent streets & parking lots. All runoff in the area goes directly into the adjacent wetlands via the swales. The proposed bioswale conversions aids in slowing the runoff and filter water contaminants in an effort to mitigate flooding, soil erosion and storm water pollutants. (This project is identified as part of the campus sustainable landscape maintenance master plan.)
Stormwater Improvements; Bioswales and Fair Road
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect. Division Facilities Services ($33,400)
The stormwater bioswale would be located in the open space along Fair Road between Herty Dr. & Chandler Rd. The site used to contain an eroded drainage swale within the wooded site. Heavy rains and runoff from adjacent university owned streets & parking lots frequently overwhelm the site and contribute to flooding downstream. The proposed bioswale aids in slowing the runoff and filter water contaminants in an effort to mitigate current flooding and erosion.
Sustainable Wind Energy Harvesting from Campus AC Cooling Towers/Chillers
Drs. Frank Gross/Rami Haddad/Youakim Kalaani ($11,014.88)
They attached wind turbines to one or two chillers/cooling towers located on campus (Bioscience Bldg, CEIT Bldg). They used an anemometer to measure cooling tower wind speeds and use this data to purchase the most appropriate wind turbines (400W, 800W, 1200W, etc.) for mounting. In addition, they took the substantial harvested energy and put it back into the Georgia Power grid thus lowering the overall Georgia Southern University utility bill and/or use the energy output to charge campus golf carts out on duty. Small wind turbines can possibly harvest up to 2 kilowatts of power per cooling tower. The harvested energy can subsequently lower utility costs for the whole campus.
Water Bottle Filler Installation: RAC and CRIBB
Jason Schmidt, Facility Coordinator for Physical Operations, CRI ($2,543.70)
Retrofit six existing drinking fountains with water bottle filling stations within M.C. Anderson Park. This effort promotes the reuse of personal bottles/containers by our patrons. The water bottle fillers were installed in the following locations: natatorium (2), outside of the aquatics locker rooms, between the bathrooms off the cardio deck, hallway between MAC gym and 2 court and at the CRIBB (building located at the front entrance to the multiplex).
Assessment of Water Quality and Soil Sequestration to Ensure Environmental Quality at Georgia Southern University Campus
Dr. Arpita Saha (PI), Dr. Subhrajit Saha (Co-PI), and Matthew Pfister (Co-PI)
The proposed project has two parts, first part involves analysis of campus surface water quality and the second part involves measurement of campus soil carbon storage. The storm water runoff from off-campus and on-campus sources has the potential to pollute the campus water bodies and the findings of our study will recommend remedial strategies, which may help authorities to take necessary actions. The campus soil carbon distribution was inventoried and the factors (land use, management) supporting soil C stocking will be identified and recommended to help authorities promote climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies on campus.
Bicycle Repair Station: Student Union
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect
The bike repair station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic repairs and maintenance, from changing a flat to adjusting brakes and derailleurs. The tools and air pump are securely attached to the stand with stainless steel cables and tamper-proof fasteners. Hanging the bike from the hanger arms allows the pedals and wheels to spin freely while making adjustments.
Bicycle Parking Facility: Stadium Bus Stop
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect ($24,800)
The bicycle parking facility is located adjacent to the existing bus shelter at Paulson Stadium. The facility consists of a concrete plaza with four permanent campus standard bike racks for a combined parking capacity of 50 bicycles. Also included is a bike repair station. A landscape rain garden around the bike facility is used to mitigate additional rainwater runoff from the increased pervious area.
Campus Sustainability Interpretive Signage
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect ($8,500)
Georgia Southern University has implemented several sustainable projects on campus, (ex. bio-swales, greenway trail, reuse water, native plantings, etc.) but there is little to no signage at the project site to identify and/or explain the importance and significance to the public and campus community.
Forest Drive: Bicycle Lane/ Sharrow Markings
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect
Forest Drive between Old Register Road & Sweetheart Circle is not wide enough to install dedicated bicycle lanes. The master plan envisions street modifications to incorporate dedicated bike lanes and tree lined sidewalks. The “sharrow” lane markers was the first phase in identifying Forest Drive as a campus road that is to be equally shared by cars and bicyclists until the “master vision” can be implemented.
LED Lighting Upgrade Parking Lot: IT Building Parking Lot
David Faircloth, Director of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction, Division Facilities Services
Retrofit existing pole lighting in parking lot -IT Parking Lot – behind IT building across from Arts Building Complex. The lot’s outdoor lighting system consists of 6 – 40’ poles and 11-400 watt fixtures. The retrofit maintains existing light levels and reuse existing poles and provide state of-the-art Light Emitting Diode (LED) “high efficiency” outdoor lighting system.
Nanofiber Based Carbon Capture Technology to Reduce the CO2 Emissions in Georgia Southern University Campus
PI: Dr. Mujibur Rahman Khan Co-PI: Spencer Harp
A transformative idea of nano fibers based on CO2 capturing filter technology to reduce the CO2 emission from the Machine Shops, Dining Commons, and Georgia Southern University Vehicles.
The Moth Project
Assistant Prof. Jeff Schmuki (Georgia Southern) and Associate Professor Wendy DesChene (Auburn University)
The ArtLab is an off-grid, solar powered 10-foot trailer that houses a mobile art space/laboratory or ArtLab. The ArtLab provides the stage for native plant gardens and solar powered light tents that attract moths and other insects for a non-destructive survey. The Moth Project shares the importance of pollinators in the environment through a hands-on community/citizen science and art experience. Research was compiled into a free downloadable field guide of the local moths found on the Georgia Southern campus that will interest in sustainability while promote simple actions that assist our declining pollinators and encourage backyard naturalism.
Portable Sustainability Exhibit
Dr. Brent W. Tharp
The Georgia Southern University Museum in cooperating with the Center for Sustainability created a traveling, interactive exhibit based on their successful Sustainable Solutions exhibit to introduce the concept of sustainability and highlight the efforts of Georgia Southern University. The exhibit is highly mobile and adaptable to a large variety of spaces to maximize its use and would be manned by trained students recruited by the Museum, CfS, and the Office of Student Leadership. It is used at campus events, such as ArtsFest, No Impact Week, Earth Day and throughout the year at any opportunities highlighting or dedicating other sustainability projects/activities. It is also be available to schools throughout southeast Georgia who frequently request activities/exhibits for science nights and special events and other community events.
Solar Energy Potential at Georgia Southern University
Dr. David Calamas ($31,424.75)
Assessed the solar energy potential at Georgia Southern University. Equipment to measure the magnitude, direction, and duration of incident thermal radiation from the sun will be installed. A monitoring station connected to the equipment allowed the solar energy potential at Georgia Southern University to be monitored throughout the year. The data was analyzed to determine the viability and cost effectiveness of using solar energy as an energy course on campus and recommendations were made as to which, if any, technology would be appropriate to use on campus.
Solar Powered Service Golf Carts
Dr. Rami Haddad, Dr. Youakim Kalaani, Dr. Frank Gross
They proposed to equip twenty five electric golf carts at Georgia Southern University with solar photovoltaic charging systems. These goals are set to reduce the conventional electric charging by at least 45%, increase the operational range by at least 50%, increase the life of the batteries by 100%, promote sustainability and contribute to our world in an environmental friendly way by reducing emission/chemical pollution.
StormWater Park: Plant and Forest Drive
Chuck Taylor, Campus Landscape Architect ($34,000)
The stormwater management park is be located at the corner of Forest & Plant Drive. The storm water park restores the existing wetlands and creates new bio-retention gardens to mitigate the effects of polluted stormwater/soil erosion that impact the campus wetlands.
Sustainability Incentive Grants – 2008-2010
During 2008-2010, the Sustainability Incentive Grant was established to encourage COSM faculty, staff and students to incorporate sustainability into teaching, scholarship and service; and to encourage partnerships with the community to improve sustainability. $15,000 available; up to $3,000 per grant.
Last updated: 2/9/2022