To receive email updates related to Georgia Southern’s service-learning initiatives, email Dr. Urkovia Andrews at uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu
New Service-Learning Faculty
Service-Learning at Georgia Southern University combines learning and education with civic responsibility through coursework. Students engage in direct, indirect, community-based research, and advocacy to promote civic responsibility and create real, lasting impact on the world around them.
You are not alone in teaching, building, and leading reflection for your students. Faculty teaching a service-learning course can request a student Service-Learning Facilitator. These students can complete some administrative tasks for the course, such as lead planning for the service, ensure waivers are complete, facilitate a reflection experience, and more.
If interested in teaching a Service-Learning course or want more information, contact Dr. Urkovia Andrews or your college’s Service-Learning Faculty Fellow.
Faculty Tools
Georgia Southern Service-Learning Course Development
Email the Faculty Fellow for your college or Dr. Urkovia Andrews uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu for help
- Developing your service-learning component
- Finding a community partner
- Applying for a Service-Learning Facilitator
- Finding service-learning colleagues on campus

Course Design Tips & Tricks: check out this guide to further understand expectations and common pitfall of service-learning course design.
Creating Service-Learning Opportunities: use this checklist to create meaningful, rigorous opportunities for your students.
Forms needed: Georgia Southern University requires students engaged in service-learning complete this waiver prior to any service.
Background Checks: agencies that serve vulnerable populations require background checks of student volunteers. GS’s HR offers an online, free background check service only for students. Detailed instructions for how to request a background check are available at this link. Allow 2 weeks for background check processing.
Service-Learning Handbook for Faculty
Information about links to service-learning journals and articles, sample dress code and student contracts, student background check forms and logging volunteer hours, sample syllabi, the required university waiver, facilitating and grading reflection and discussion of the service-learning pedagogy.

Last updated: 11/22/2022