Alternative Breaks Board
Mission Statement
Georgia Southern University’s Alternative Breaks Board strives to create a community of active citizens by empowering students to make a global impact through life-changing service opportunities.
What We Do
The Alternative Breaks program at Georgia Southern University empowers students to lead their peers in community engagement and personal development. The Alternative Breaks Board prepares and facilitates the pieces of Alternative Breaks that are most impactful to student volunteers, including social justice education, community development, service opportunities, and reflection. The Board also assists in managing the logistics of the program such as recruitment, marketing, fundraising, leader training, lodging, and transportation.
Interested in Joining?
Applications typically open in the Spring semester for the following academic year, however, if there are open positions at the beginning of the school year, the application will remain open until those positions are filled. Check out the application below!
2022-2023 Alternative Breaks Board

Nevaeh Newsome: Site Coordinator
“My favorite part of Alternative Breaks is getting to serve while visiting new places.”

Soley Davis: Site Coordinator
“I honestly find so much fulfillment and joy in helping others whenever I can. Giving back, sharing my resources and knowledge, & uplifting those around me. I’ve already met so many great people after going on one trip so I can’t even imagine how many more connections I’ll form this semester. I look forward to going to new places, trying new things, and accomplishing new tasks”

Jasmine Welton: Recruitment Chair
“My favorite part of Alternative Breaks is getting together and bonding as a community for a bigger purpose!”

Ashley Parker: Fundraising Chair
“I love that Alternative Breaks gets me out of my comfort zone so I can meet new people and get to know everyone.”

Danaria Phillips: Marketing & Graphics Chair
“I like helping a community in need and providing my time and services to a good cause. I also like the people you get to meet who have a shared goal or characteristic with you. Oftentimes, you can connect immediately and talk about many things outside of our school life.”

Hadeel Diab: Campus Connection Chair
“I love getting to know students that have the same visions and passions as me through volunteer work!”

Wesley Locus: Social Media Chair
“There are two things that I absolutely love about Alternative Breaks. The first is the opportunity to engage with new communities and commit to service whenever I can. It brings me joy knowing that I’ve been impactful and have helped make a change for the better.
The second would be that Alternative Breaks has allowed me to become so close with so many other students. I find it to be very rewarding. My first Alternative Break experience led me to bond with people I still talk to almost a year later and for that, I’m very appreciative.”

Samuel Olatunde: Advisor
Alternative Breaks Graduate Assistant

Vacant: Advisor
Alternative Breaks Coordinator
Positions Still Open
Reorientation Chair: This position manages the program that closes an Alternative Breaks experience, Reorientation, often known as “Reo.” Reo is special because it brings the group together for one last time to reconnect, reflect, assess, and identify how each person would like to incorporate the impact Alternative Breaks has had into their everyday lives.
Education Chair: This chair coordinates the educational experience for the Alternative Breaks program. They will plan and facilitate educational training for Site Leaders and Breakers to ensure everyone is prepared to have a life-changing service experience.
Find us on Instagram: @GASouthernBreakers
Last updated: 6/29/2023