Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning
According to Georgia Southern’s mission statement “…, our learner-centered culture prepares us to think, lead, teach, and serve”. In keeping with the mission, through numerous service-learning activities, students and faculty contribute to the university and local community. In an effort to celebrate such contributions, the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement co-host with The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi the annual Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning. All Georgia Southern University students, graduate and undergraduate, are invited to showcase their service-learning projects.
Submissions can be an outcome of individual or group effort. Service-Learning projects completed during the 2023-2024 academic year are eligible for participation in the showcase. Students submit a poster for one of four performance based award considerations. Abstract submissions are closed.
For more information about the Eagle Showcase, please contact Dr. Urkovia Andrews at uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu or Dr. Padmini Shankar at pshankar@georgiasouthern.edu

We look forward to you joining us for our Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning on Wednesday, April 10 at 2 p.m. at the Rotunda!
Last updated: 4/13/2022