S-L Facilitators (Faculty)

Who are Service-Learning Facilitators?

Service-Learning Facilitators assist faculty by conducting and coordinating meaningful service-learning projects within Georgia Southern class rooms. Instructors are sometimes deterred from service-learning projects due to the time commitment and the additional organization required.

Facilitator responsibilities for service-learning classrooms include:

  • Organization of materials and communication between community partners and students
  • Planning for the success of the service-learning project
  • Coordination of student service attendance
  • Leading the end of class reflection

The work of a Service-Learning Facilitator is invaluable for making new service-learning opportunities available on our campus.

How are service-learning facilitators trained?

Students become facilitators-in-training by enrolling during regular registration in a free, non-credit course, LEAD 3000 – Rethinking Community Leadership. This course meets once a week for 12 weeks, with approximately two additional hours of reading & assignments each week. By the end of the course, students have a full understanding of service-learning, and have acquired the skills needed to facilitate a project. They also develop their unique service-learning project over the course of this semester.

The actual facilitator project takes place in the following semester. Students work within a specific, pre-approved service-learning course, supervised by the instructor, leading the service-learning component. After successfully completing their project with this faculty mentor, certified Facilitators join a group of trained students that professors may call upon to develop and guide future service-learning initiatives.

How to request a facilitator?

Interested faculty should recruit promising students from within their current service-learning courses. These students may enroll in LEAD 3000 during the following semester and then return to function as student facilitators when the course is next offered.

A pre-requisite for Service-Learning Facilitator support is pre-approval of your application, documenting a well-constructed service-learning experience and a need for Facilitator energy. Applications for service-learning facilitators are reviewed by Faculty Fellows.

For best practices in mentoring a Service-Learning Facilitator, please see this guidance.

Please contact Dr. Urkovia Andrews, uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu for more information regarding this program.

Faculty Mentors can access Service-Learning Facilitator support materials here

Last updated: 2/5/2021