Step Into Statesboro

Serve. Explore. Connect.

As a student at Georgia Southern, you are a vital part of not only the Eagle Nation, but also the local Statesboro community. Welcome! For as long as you are here, you will make an impact on our community. The decisions you make about where to live, where to work, where to shop, and how to spend your time add up to create larger impacts. Students are the reason for much of our city’s vibrancy and success. We’re glad you’re here!

Step into Statesboro is an event designed to welcome students to the city of Statesboro, and help you discover the Statesboro community, and learn about local volunteer and community engagement opportunities! Students will participate in a morning service project at a local non-profit/community organization before embarking on a guided tour of downtown Statesboro. As part of the tour, students will visit the Farmers Market and Visitor’s Center! The day will conclude with a presentation from a featured guest speaker and reflection. Lunch will be provided.

Pre-register to join us on Saturday, August 24th, 2024 for Step into Statesboro!

Last updated: 10/21/2024