Service-Learning Course Designation

Service-Learning at Georgia Southern is a course-based, credit-bearing, organized service activity that enables students to apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address community priorities.

The following criteria were established to be formally recognized as a service-learning course at Georgia Southern. Approval for a service-learning designation will be granted to a specific faculty member’s course section.

Course Expectations

The following criteria must be met to be designated as a service-learning course: 

  • Demonstrate an explicit connection between the service and one or more of the course learning objectives 
  • Address a community-identified need through collaboration with an appropriate partner
  • Provide structured opportunities for guided critical reflection linked to the service and academic content
  • Provide methods of evaluation and assessment for the learning acquired during the service component
  • Students receive appropriate training and preparation before entering communities
  • Faculty describes service-learning activities and requirements in the course syllabus
  • Internships, field education, volunteer activity, and practicums may be considered a service-learning experience if they meet the above criteria

The following steps are necessary to apply for a course to receive a service-learning designation. Review the application checklist before submitting the form.

  1. Apply via Google Forms.
  2. The OLCE office reviews the form and sends it to the appropriate Service-Learning Faculty Fellow(s) 
  3. Service-Learning Faculty Fellow(s) review applications to ensure it meets the criteria.
  4. Faculty member courses are designated accordingly, or faculty members are asked to make suggested changes. The appropriate upcoming cycle will include revised courses based on successful revisions. 
  5. The designation is good for one academic year with the same instructor.


Benefits to Students

  • Assist in retention
  • Practical application (not just degree but corresponding skills)
  • Increased cultural competency
  • Learn from formal and informal skills and knowledge
  • Documented on students’ transcripts to denote academic community-based experiences

Benefits to Faculty

  • Generates pilot data for research
  • Ideal pedagogy for grant funding
  • Assist in faculty documentation of the use of service-learning in teaching and research

Benefits to Community Partners

  • Generates new ideas and provides additional hands to assist with projects
  • Work with students well-positioned to benefit from the experience
  • Direct interaction with a potential workforce


Why the designation?

The course designation ensures academic rigor, and this instructional strategy can prove harmful to students, faculty, and community partners without proper support. The designation also shows respect for the partner organization.

How long does the designation last?

The course designation is good for one academic year with the same faculty members. After that time, faculty members will need to renew their course to maintain the designation.

I have the designation. How do I renew?

You can renew your service-learning course designation by completing this form. As with the original designation, the renewal is good for an additional academic year.

Which courses are currently designated?

Click this link to see currently designated service-learning courses. This information is updated on a semester basis.

Are there student learning outcomes for service-learning?

Yes. Click this link to see the student learning outcomes. Your service-learning course should address, at minimum, one of the student service-learning outcomes.

When should I apply?

You should apply the semester before when you want to teach a service-learning course. For example, if you are interested in a fall course, apply in the spring, etc.

If I don’t meet the criteria upon review, what then?

You will be asked to make revisions and resubmit. Revised courses will be included in the appropriate cycle based on successful modifications.

How long does it take to be approved?

OLCE and Service-Learning Faculty Fellows will review applications monthly. Please allow four (4) weeks to review.

Last updated: 7/10/2024