Service-Learning Course Designation
Service-Learning at Georgia Southern is a course-based, credit-bearing, organized service activity that enables students to apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address community priorities.
The following criteria were established to be formally recognized as a service-learning course at Georgia Southern. Approval for a service-learning designation will be granted to a specific faculty member’s course section.
Course Expectations
The following criteria must be met to be designated as a service-learning course:
- Demonstrate an explicit connection between the service and one or more of the course learning objectives
- Address a community-identified need through collaboration with an appropriate partner
- Provide structured opportunities for guided critical reflection linked to the service and academic content
- Provide methods of evaluation and assessment for the learning acquired during the service component
- Students receive appropriate training and preparation before entering communities
- Faculty describes service-learning activities and requirements in the course syllabus
- Internships, field education, volunteer activity, and practicums may be considered a service-learning experience if they meet the above criteria
The following steps are necessary to apply for a course to receive a service-learning designation. Review the application checklist before submitting the form.
- Apply via Google Forms.
- The OLCE office reviews the form and sends it to the appropriate Service-Learning Faculty Fellow(s)
- Service-Learning Faculty Fellow(s) review applications to ensure it meets the criteria.
- Faculty member courses are designated accordingly, or faculty members are asked to make suggested changes. The appropriate upcoming cycle will include revised courses based on successful revisions.
- The designation is good for one academic year with the same instructor.

Benefits to Students
- Assist in retention
- Practical application (not just degree but corresponding skills)
- Increased cultural competency
- Learn from formal and informal skills and knowledge
- Documented on students’ transcripts to denote academic community-based experiences

Benefits to Faculty
- Generates pilot data for research
- Ideal pedagogy for grant funding
- Assist in faculty documentation of the use of service-learning in teaching and research

Benefits to Community Partners
- Generates new ideas and provides additional hands to assist with projects
- Work with students well-positioned to benefit from the experience
- Direct interaction with a potential workforce
Why the designation?
How long does the designation last?
I have the designation. How do I renew?
Which courses are currently designated?
Are there student learning outcomes for service-learning?
When should I apply?
If I don’t meet the criteria upon review, what then?
How long does it take to be approved?
Last updated: 7/10/2024