About Us
The Service-Learning program is dedicated to the integration of academic knowledge and an organized service activity to address community priorities and enhance pre-professional skills.
A brief timeline of service-learning highlights at Georgia Southern University!
- 2006: Informal service projects recognized/begin on campus
- 2008: Service-Learning staff position created in the Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement
- Fall 2008: Georgia Southern University joins Campus Compact
- 2010: Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program established
- Fall 2011: Service-Learning Student Facilitators established
- Fall 2012: Formal course training for student leaders implemented
- 2013: Georgia Southern wins a NASPA excellence award for Service-Learning
- 2015: Rachel Paule wins award for Outstanding Student contribution to Service-Learning at the Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning
- April 2016: Georgia Southern host the Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning
- Spring 2017: Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning developed to exhibit service-learning projects across campus
- 2018: Service-Learning Program celebrates 10 years!
- 2019: Student Service-Learning Mini Grants introduced
- 2021: Service-Learning Dashboard established
- 2022: Implementation of campus wide Service-Learning course designation
Last updated: 1/6/2021