Faculty Fellows

The Office of Leadership and Community Engagement coordinates the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program, in which one faculty member from each college serves as a service-learning representative for that college. Service-Learning Faculty Fellows serve for two years with the option of serving one additional term.

What is a Service-Learning Faculty Fellow?

  • Help distribute information about service-learning resources and opportunities to faculty in his/her respective college
  • Serve as a resource for faculty who are interested in incorporating service-learning into their courses
  • Review student abstracts and, at times, poster submissions for the annual Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning program
  • Review Request for Facilitator submissions for approval of Service-Learning Facilitator placements
  • Assist with program evaluation regarding the state of service-learning at Georgia Southern and implementation of best practices where appropriate
  • Present at conferences about service-learning at Georgia Southern

Participating as a Service-Learning Faculty Fellow provides faculty the following benefits: 

  • Additional opportunity for research, publication, and collaboration
  • Enhance service portfolio towards tenure & promotion 
  • Work with faculty across campus to potentially develop cross-college service-learning projects
  • Prepared to serve as a resource for faculty members who are incorporating service-learning into their courses
  • Present locally and regionally about service-learning 

Applicants will reach out to the program director uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu where they will receive an application to complete. Applications will be reviewed by current Faculty Fellows.

The Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program is a two-year commitment for selected faculty. One faculty representative per college will be selected. All full-time Georgia Southern faculty members with an interest in service-learning are eligible. 

Since its inception in 2009, their have been approximately 30 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows with an average service of two years.  


COBA: Donna Fisher (School of Economic Development)
COST: Lissa Leege (Biology)
CLASS: Phyllis Dallas
CHHS: Jerri Kropp (Child and Family Development)
COE: Lina Soares


COST: Lissa Leege (Biology)
COBA: Donna Fisher (School of Economic Development)
CHHS: Jerri Kropp
CLASS: Phyllis Dallas
COE: Lina Soares


COBA: Donna Fisher (School of Economic Development)
COST: Lissa Leege (Biology)
CHHS: John Peden (Hospitality, Tourism, & Family & Consumer Sciences)
CLASS: Laura Shelton (History)
COE: Nancy Arrington (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Juan Luque (Community Health)
CEIT: Gusatvo Maldonado (Civil Engineering)


COBA: Linda Mullen (Marketing & Logistics)
COST: Lissa Leege (Biology)
CHHS: Brent Wolfe (School of Human Ecology)
CLASS: Debra Sabia (Political Science)
COE: Nancy Arrington (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Moya Alfonso (Community Health)
CEIT: Chris Kadlec (Information Technology)


COBA: Linda Mullen (Marketing & Logistics)
COSM: Denise Carroll (Biology)
CHHS: Brent Wolfe (School of Human Ecology)
CLASS: Adrienne Cohen (Sociology & Anthropology)
COE: Nancy Arrington (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Moya Alfonso (Community Health)
CEIT: Chris Kadlec (Information Technology)


COBA: Linda Mullen (Marketing & Logistics)
COSM: Denise Carroll (Biology)
CHHS: Alison Rushing (School of Nursing)
CLASS: Adrienne Cohen (Sociology & Anthropology)
COE: Nancy Arrington (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Moya Alfonso (Community Health)
CEIT: Seonghoon Kim (Construction Management)


COBA: Linda Mullen (Marketing)
COSM: Denise Carroll (Biology)
CHHS: Dina Walker-DeVose (School of Human Ecology)
CLASS: Adrienne Cohen (Sociology & Anthropology)
COE: Nancy Arrington (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Moya Alfonso (Community Health)
CEIT: John Dryden (Construction Management)


COBA: Linda Mullen (Marketing)/ vacant
COSM: vacant
CHHS: Dina Walker-DeVose (School of Human Ecology)
CLASS: Adrienne Cohen (Sociology & Anthropology)
COE: Amanda Wall (Teaching and Learning) –Fall 2016 / Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)–Spring 2017
COPH: Moya Alfonso (Community Health)
CEIT: vacant


COBA: vacant
COSM: Heidi Eisenreich (Mathematics)
CHHS: Dina Walker-DeVose (School of Human Ecology) – now CBSS (Spring ’18)
CLASS: Rebecca Ryan (Psychology) – now CBSS (Spring ’18)
COE: Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Raymona Lawrence (Community Health)
CEIT: Gusatvo Maldonado (Civil Engineering) – now CEC (Spring ’18)


COBA: vacant
COSM: Heidi Eisenreich (Mathematics)
CBSS: Rebecca Ryan (Psychology)
COE: Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)
COPH: Yelena Tarasenko (Epidemiology)
CEC: Gusatvo Maldonado (Civil Engineering)
CAH: vacant
CHP: vacant
CBBS: Virginia Wickline (Psychology; Armstrong campus)


COBA: vacant
COSM: Heidi Eisenreich (Mathematics)
CBSS: Rebecca Ryan (Psychology)
COE: Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)
COPH Yelena Tarasenko (Epidemiology)
CEC: Gusatvo Maldonado (Civil Engineering)
CAH: vacant
WCHP: April Garrity (Communication Sciences & Disorders; Armstrong campus)
CBBS: Virginia Wickline (Psychology; Armstrong campus)


COBA: Gloria Stuart (Business)
COSM: Heidi Eisenreich (Mathematics)
CBSS: vacant 
COE: Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)
COPH Yelena Tarasenko (Epidemiology)
CEC: vacant
CAH: vacant
WCHP: April Garrity (Communication Sciences & Disorders; Armstrong campus)
CBBS: Virginia Wickline (Psychology; Armstrong campus)


COBA: Gloria Stuart (Business)
COSM: Heidi Eisenreich (Mathematics)
CBSS: vacant 
COE: Karin Fisher (Teaching and Learning)
COPH Yelena Tarasenko (Epidemiology)
CEC: vacant
CAH: vacant
WCHP: April Garrity (Communication Sciences & Disorders; Armstrong campus)
CBBS: Virginia Wickline (Psychology; Armstrong campus)

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows 2023-2024

Dr. Ariel Cornett
College of Education

Dr. Shainaz Landge
College of Science and Mathematics

Dr. April Garrity*
Waters College of Health Professions

Dr. James Thomas
College of Public Health

Dr. Grant Gearhart*
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

*Armstrong Campus

Have questions about Service-Learning Faculty Fellows?

If you have questions about Service-Learning Faculty Fellows or are interested in becoming a service-learning faculty fellow, email Dr. Urkovia Andrews, uandrews@georgiasouthern.edu. Former faculty fellows can nominate a professor to be considered for the position as well. 

Last updated: 6/6/2024