
By implementing the following goals:

The campus landscaping and grounds department uses lawn mowers equipped with mulching kits to enhance moisture retention on lawns and reduce the amount of irrigation. In addition, drip irrigation is used in most of the flower beds to reduce water loss due to overspray and evaporation. Plantings are indigenous species adapted to survive local heat and drought conditions.

The Goals of our Grounds Department include the following:

  • Reduce Pervious Area By 40%
  • Reduction of Heat Island Effect
  • More Efficient Design/Circulation Than Existing Lot
  • Mostly Drip Irrigation
  • Native Grasses & Perennials
  • Designed To Capture & Absorb First Rain Flush
  • Eliminated Flooding That Previously Occurred During large Rain Events
  • In existing lots Pervious Pavers Designed To Capture & Absorb First Rain Event Flush
  • Adding Bioretention Basins In Existing Low Areas To Intercept Runoff Before reaching Drainage Structures

In the fall of 2010, and Energy Task Force (ETF) was established by President Brooks Keel with the charge of providing recommendations that will enable Georgia Southern University to reduce its energy consumption by at least 15% by the year 2020 below 2007 levels on a BTU per square foot bases. Recommendations have been submitted to the President and will be implemented in phases.

Last updated: 5/10/2022